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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


I do like that it exists, but the change from 16:10 to 16:9 is a hard no for me. Probably the only off the shelf option for a screen to mash into the device though. Plus, the cost of it is nearly half the cost of just getting a refurb OLED deck, can sell the LCD one and get a new one for roughly the same overall cost as upgrading without all the downsides.

Just move to xdrip+, its better in every way than that steaming pile of garbage dexcom puts out. If your endo DEMANDS you use clarity and refuses ti use tidepool, you can generate a version of the dexcom app that outputs locally, and xdrip+ functions normally, and you can relegate the dexcom app to being opened every 3 months.

I love all the work people have put into the open source tools for this, because the first party apps are all garbage for “Fda approval reasons”

Tap your language of choice, it opens a popup with options to select all the layouts. Slightly hidden, took me a minute to find.

Looks like a perfect board to migrate to…

Any plans to add Colemak layouts? I know I’m in the minority here, but its what I’m used to!

Edit: tapping on the language lets me add it! Perfect!