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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jan 15, 2024


I only read it somewhere since I only played the game on PC way back.

Supposedly, the PS2 version suffers from slowdown/FPS dips.

The PS2 version of Grandia 2 is the worst one, if I remeber correctly. Better emulate Dreamcast for that one.

I don’t know where I read it, but i think the devs of Rollerdome want you to pirate it anyway, since the publisher screwed them over and they don’t get anything out of sold copies.

Still: Really shitty from a game conservation standpoint.

That’s what I meant with “prior art”. Nintendo’s second patent basically explains how any old JRPG worked.

Copyright is already cooked, no matter where it’s located. But the way japan acts as if Pokemon invented JRPG battles is simply ridiculous.

the fact that patents on game mechanics are even allowed is just awful for the industry as a whole

Yes, definetly.

“moving characters to a virtual field when an event is triggered” (entering a battle)

How is that a legit patent, when there are so many obvious instances of prior art?

Facebook actively shadow bans you when you discuss Gaza. Tiktok is afaik the only platform where you can agitate about Gaza with significant reach.

Edit: I just watched an FD Signifier video, where he avoided saying the word “Palestine”, because he expects youtube to bury his content if he mentions it.

Maybe it runs on a switch emulator. 😏