judging a quick read of that, it seems most if not all of the changes only apply to commercial use(thankfully), they even specify it under the personal use area,so that makes me feel a little better. That being said I made it to no name brands such as mods with branded automobiles before my ADHD brain lost interest as well
side loading has always been available on apple Iphones, it’s just been locked exclusively down to their developer program for debugging and testing purposes and said installed apps are only valid for a limited amount of time. I expect it will use the same framework that the dev program uses, just not as restricted. That being said i can forsee them region locking it.
I had never heard of it so i just went and tried it, the mods for it are super buggy but, base game was super flushed out and functional. It’s not minecraft, so it’s a little to get used to but, it works amazingly.