As I mentioned in other comments, I have no illusions that Gary Bowser is innocent or didn’t bring this all on himself. It’s his own fault he kept doing what he was doing.
However, the court doesn’t follow Gary from job to job initiating the process to garnish his wages.
It’s nintendo who is continuing to persecute Gary at this point, not the courts. Garnishing someone’s minimum wage job as a billion dollar corporation is uniquely evil.
I could be wrong, but I have not seen anything remotely close from EA, activision, blizzard, Microsoft, Sony, etc. and my original point was this is uniquely evil to Nintendo.
I hate the obsession to move to the cloud and the obsession towards serverless or functions.
Functions are stupid and crazy for anything that is actually used often.
For small utilities, they make a ton of sense, but next time I see an app with millions of requests per day using functions, I’m going to lose my mind.
Even if the external investigators are good and it is truly the intention of upper management to get to the bottom of it and they are fully prepared to fire anyone who did something wrong, (I’m not casting doubt on their motives) I truly believe that the external investigation will clear them or they’ll point to 1 person and fire them.
Reason being is memories fade, fear of reprisals, people make excuses or believe certain things weren’t as they were, and there is likely not a lot written down.
Unfortunately, it’s likely to be a he said/she said situation.
It’s knowledge isn’t updated.
It doesn’t know current events, so this isn’t a big gotcha moment