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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Took me a little bit this is the article that’s being referenced. It’s late so I’ll look at this tomorrow. First impression is 2.6uW/cm2 is surprisingly high given that a human body doesn’t produce that much energy at rest.


What did Microsoft ‘promise’ for this merger? Also, is breaking that ‘promise’ even breaking any merger rules?

Just started playing the finals to get me off of overwatch finally.

Why am i seeing gossip on technology? Mods should not allow these sorts of posts

Yeah im also about 40 hours in and ive had at least 4 or 5 force quits where ive lost about an hour of time. Ive had bugs right from the beginning. In the cutscene where you leave the ship, ive had 2 friends say their screen either just flickered or their screen froze on screen for minutes. It was funny because they were playing naked and the screen froze on their butt for a solid 2 minutes. This is only within the first 1 hour. Ive had maybe 20 or 30 occurances where the screen freezes and I have to either wait for the game to unfreeze or it goes to that force quit i mentioned earlier.

I know the teams are different but i just thought its weird that its not talked about. It cant be just my group of friends that has these issues.

Ive had more issues on this game than not having the right haircut… ive had scenes turn black mid dialogue, clipping through walls, weird camera angles that force my character to T-pose… the list goes on. The game is great as long as it doesnt get bugged out

Lisa: the Painful

I dont know if its listed here yet.