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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Try setting it to manually connect to that Bluetooth device. Then trigger the connect with the nfc tag. Stick it where you put your phone while driving. Disconnect when the tag is not present anymore.

Android triggers wegen when a Tag enters its scanner. I wager tasker can use that as trigger.

I would glue an NFC Tag there. And have tasker react to that

Why? Because local data recovery will be that much harder, forcing people into online backups with Microsoft

In situ processing should solve that. Imagine a machine where you put that in, it gets crushed and sprayed and the liquid is transported and recycled.

Maybe they should switch gears and try suing them for motivating basement dwelling armchair Action heroes so they became Uvalde Cops. No wonder they thought they could handle a shooter until shit got real.

Its usually a small thing that is the last drop to make a change.

Graphene OS is a de-googled veraion of android you can install via a simple website. It has the exact feature you are looking for.

Supersu is like sudo for Linux or run as administrator for windows if you know it. If you try operations your phone wouldn’t allow due to lack off privileges it will promt you if you want it to enforce that via root.

Should be possible. Next step after unlocking would be installing a custom bootloader that supports installing a superuser app like supersu.

And here starts the trouble, you need to run any alternative software that allows modifying your currently running system. But this is highly specific and built for that exact model of tablet.

So if you can find a bootloader to flash and get it to boot, you should be fine.

Maybe turn the AAA stock into a meme stock, have gamers buy that shit up and give reduced game prices to stock holders to incentivise gamers to buy them. Et voila, No demand for profit that costs quality in the gaming experience.