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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Fallout makes sense. The television series has made it incredibly hot right now, and Bethesda has already committed to doing the next TES game first.

Old and busted: $2.50 for horse armor in a fun game

New hotness: $7 for a mission in a boring game

You see, our stock price goes up when we buy other companies and it goes up when we fire people. We’re doing both at the same time, so our stock price will go up double. This is a sustainable business model and not at all a very dead canary in a very deadly coal mine.

  1. Provide a good service
  2. Don’t fuck with it
  3. Count your money

Steam is a true “disrupter,” because they do business the way people did for centuries before higher short-term profits became the only goal.

Every great “breakthrough” is just VC cash, lies, and the exploitation of cheap labor. Their system is simple, and it works for them.

“We technically thought we would get away with this shit, which was an error. How pissed would you guys be about Coca Cola showing up in ancient Baghdad?”

Metaverse catching strays. The Onion is on fire lately.

Perfect match. Lemmings constantly steer users away from Google and spread the word of Firefox with uBlock Origin.

Outer Worlds. All the backlash from Starfield reminded me that obsidian did fallout in space years ago in the older style.