
  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 21, 2023


Might be your settings or permissions

Boost sends me notifications on replies

I used a non standard keyboard a long time ago and while it did deliver, the most important thing I learned is that non standard things tend to disappear and the time spent learning it was wasted.

The pixel 7 and 8 I use never have those problems. I suspect the culprit is your network signal, not your phone. Do you have a reliable provider and are you in a location where the signal travels well?

I work on an irregular schedule, so I want to keep track to make sure I get enough sleep. It doesn’t have to be super accurate, just a number of hours elapsed, to decide if I go back to sleep.

Satirical, but it’s actually my plan b, until something automatically does it. So upvoted lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Any app that can track when I go to sleep and when I wake up?
I have tried a few but they all seem to be putting the priority on features I don't need, like recording the sounds while I sleep. I would just like a log of when I fall asleep and when I wake up. EDIT: Here is my plan B, until I find an app: when I go to bed, I send a text message to myself. When I wake up, I do the same. It gets automatically time-stamped. Example: "Ok Google, send a text saying Good Night to NemoWuming" "Ok Google, send a text saying Good Morning to NemoWuming"

I wonder why glass back is so popular,

They are being hyped up by marketing because people easily fall for it. Even you:

Then I bought my $800 glass back Xiaomi 13T Pro in January

It works the same as with cigarettes: people think it’s cool. Most don’t care about the rest. Easy money for the suppliers.

Good for you for calling them out on their bullshit. Anyone else with a history of dropping their phones from their pockets (and yet buying a flashy glass back (and refusing to protect it with a case (and referring to it as a condom))) will benefit from reading about your awakening and they might go for something different.

Just remember, if you fell for this one, you might fall for another marketing gimmick unless you pay more attention.

I also use Boost because of one nice feature: it highlights new comments in a different color.

I had to turn that feature on in the settings, and it’s very convenient when revisiting an active post.

I found mine by typing “power bar with timer” in amazon.com

There are many different models and I picked this one , and it works fine: https://www.amazon.com/DEWENWILS-Mechanical-Overload-Protection-Aquarium/dp/B08K313Z9L/

I bought a power bar with a timer on it, so I can leave my headset, laptop, old phone plugged in without overcharging them.

I set an alarm at 7 am, no sound, no vibration. It activates adaptive charging without waking me up

I looked at Graphene OS and I am interested, but how can I find out if it will run on my old Samsung Galaxy S7?

WeChat is an app, but also a platform on which you can add apps made for it.

Your Samsung calendar app seems to defeat the purpose of an online calendar. I use the Google calendar and everything is syncing across all devices.

Same. I would love to make a live wallpaper that would move very slowly, just a pixel shift per few minutes, so it would not eat up the battery, and no one would see it move, but every once in a while during the day, it would be different). If it was timed to loop over 24 hours, it could be a sun rising and setting followed by a moon overnight.