
I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too, baby.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I have a Switch, which has hundreds of games and great couch coöp. I can’t speak to most of the other concerns except creativity, and to that I say: Any platform open to indie devs is one that won’t suffer from lack of creativity. You’ll have to deal with Sturgeon’s Law, but that was always true.

Try Stranded Sails. It’s a tight little adventure game.

It’s bad form to post a video without a text summary.

Three questions:

Can I play it in front of my kids?

What’s the minimum play session? (That is, how long from startup to the next save point?)

Is it a lot like Mass Effect?

Well I caved and started a new Minecraft world, but I’m not sure I like my seed. Playing the original Moving Out with my kindergartner and he’s surprising good at it.

Got the first Moving Out game on supersale and my kids are loving it. I’m always on the lookout for coup coöp games to play with them.

Pikmin Bloom. It helps me get up and walking and has guided me to cool local public art.

Adding a separate comment to add, if you’ve never played it, Super Mario X was a very fun, apparently not-entirely-legal fangame made my Redigit (who went on to create Terraria). He took it down at Nintendo’s demand, but you can still find a copy.

I did play that on emulator a decade or so ago. It’s part of the same series as Illusion of Gaia, right? I don’t really remember Terranigma that well, maybe it’s time for a replay.

NES: River City Ransom, Crystalis, Zelda ][

SNES: Super Mario World, Chrono Trigger, Link to the Past

GB: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Minish Cap, Tetris

DOS: The Quest for Glory series, ZZT

The present. I can use emulation to play all my old favorites, often for free, and there’s never been such a rich plethora of indie and studio games available.

For me, it’s usually a series of reflections throughout my plsytime, no notes, rather than one big reflection at the end.

I searched, like you did. Pretty sure I subbed all three.

I’ll probably pick up the Switch version of Link’s Awakening eventually, but not until I get bored with the games I already have.

I enjoyed it so much more in Survival mode, but with a “save anytime” mod.

It’s one of the best Zelda games period and certainly the best made for a handheld console — and that includes the Switch ones. Enjoy!

I bet the dev sells it other ways, too. I’ll also be checking it out based on your review.

At this point:

  • Spelunky (play more, not start playing)

  • Dwarf Fortress (play more, not start playing)

  • Enderal (and maybe beat it this time)

  • Minecraft (my kids are waiting for me to set up a family & friends server)

Stranded Sails can’t have been much longer than that.

Braid is deffo under ten.

Spelunky & 2, Rogue Legacy & 2

Basically any action platformer that relies on observaton and timing.

Switch. Apparently online play never worked for most people, only those with 5G-based home Internet (like me) were able to use it anyway.

Maybe skip the whole game, then, it gets dark.

Not to dissuade you from exploring Skyrim some more, but if you’ve never tried Enderal it’s completely amazing. Fan-made game using Skyrim engine and assets, free, and intense. Just, uh, don’t play the intro around those who scare easily.

Tony Hawk 1+2. Just found out the multiplayer servers are gone, which is a bummer, but it’s still fun.

Ms. Pac-Man, obvs

Magical Diary: Horse Hall was fun

Secret of Evermore, or switch genres. Nothing beats Chrono Trigger.

The problem with DF isn’t the learning curve, it’s how easy it is to play for sixteen hours without eating or sleeping.

  • Dwarf Fortress

  • Minecraft

  • Stardew Valley

  • Chrono Trigger

  • FF Tactics Advance

  • various Zelda titles

  • various roguelikes

I’m focused on back-to-school and getting some outdoor projects done before winter. To help with that, I disassembled my PC. Once snow starts falling and (hopefully) the Adventure Mode update is released, I plan to snuggle up and finally enjoy the graphical version of Dwarf Fortress.

Stranded Sails was a small game but incredibly tight and very satisfying. I don’t usually 100% a game, but I did on this one because it’s all meat, no filler.

I say “You’re not what I expected. You’ve earned my trust!” several times a week, honestly.