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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 13, 2024


Here’s to hoping we still have the physical ability to engage with those hobbies and interests.

It seems to me that if one can adequately explain the function of their pseudocode in adequate detail for an LLM to turn it into a functional and reliable program, then the hardest part of writing the code was already done without the LLM.

That would be an even more interesting solution for finding new gun-designs for mass-manufacture. Kalashnikov, Winchester, Glock, and Colt watch out!

It is Intel so I’m sure they have already done the cost-benefit analysis of a recall vs losing a class-action lawsuit

I just want to say that there’s a lot of blame to go around for this, but it’s not the fault of porn.

Your analogies just sounds like general consequences of market competition.

and there is no good-guy when it comes to the story of facebook.

I guess my only takeaway is that if I want to protect my IP then anyone who has access to the software should be required to sign a terms & agreement that specifically written to prevent this kind of thing, regardless IANAL, but i’m pretty sure this is all legal according to copyright law. The engine and therefore the code is different, the assets are custom and slightly different. If this were a trademark or patent related case then there might be a something else to go on.

…and the same obstacle that faced graphene a decade ago is the same seemingly insurmountable obstacle facing it today.

'Tis the nature of Economics. -If recycling for money were easy and profitable then it’s highly likely that someone would already be doing it really well and competition would be jumping in to reap some of the rewards. -That said, you will always need a ‘Pioneer’ to pave the way.