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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 07, 2024


There are just to many restrictions on streaming. For local streaming you need to first, buy the original console and then buy additional hardware to stream to. And then you are still tied to a single network.

For cloud streaming you need to have a reasonably fast and reliable internet connection which is just not conducive to many of the situations one would want a portable console for.

Hard Pass. 2024 is almost over my dudes. This will be out of date in less than 2 months!


Once an account is set up on a switch your kids will not need to remember password to access it. From what I recall the only time you might have to recall the password is to add funds to the account to buy games on the shop.

There is a companion parental control app that allows you limit screen time or access hours and filter games by age rating. You’ll still have full access to the console through a quick passcode.

This distinction was first tentatively suggested by the grammarian Robert Baker in 1770, and it was eventually presented as a rule by many grammarians since then. However, modern linguistics has shown that idiomatic past and current usage consists of the word less with both countable nouns and uncountable nouns so that the traditional rule for the use of the word fewer stands, but not the traditional rule for the use of the word less.

The request for an expedited review of patent number 7545191 also facilitated the approval of three other patents from Nintendo and The Pokemon Company (7528390, 7493117 and 7505854). Kurihara noted that amending an existing patent for specific litigation purposes is an established industry practice, and possibly what happened in this particular case.

This does not make sense to me.

Hey, Nintendo may be Nintendo, but they’re not WoTC. Even if they did send a hitman, it would only be the cloud version.

Microsoft, Xbox, and Spencer have dominated the news carousel this week, drawing enormous criticism from the gaming community following the announced closures of Redfall creators Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks, who developed the critically acclaimed Hi-Fi Rush.