You mean Civilization: Call to Power. The unit was called the Eco Ranger. And they did make a sequel to it, called Call to Power 2. In some ways it was better, some worse. That being said, CTP1 is my favorite civ of all time (not counting SMAC). They should definitely make another sequel if they can keep the stuff that made it great. Kills me that I can’t get a modern working version of the original somewhere.
I’ve been waiting for Sin Gold to go on sale so I got that.
Now I’m debating on Cities: Skylines or not. Sure, $11 seems like a great price, but there is over $500 in dlc! I mean I don’t need or even want all of them, but my disposable income is pretty lacking.
And Jurassic World 2 is haunting or mocking me because I refuse to buy it before I finish the first one (so I don’t get tempted and skip it). But finishing it is hard when I have so many other games taking up my time. (Oh, first world problems! lol)
I’m sure that he can perceive the depth that the shaft of that valve is drilling into his eye socket when you turn it. That should count for something.