I have been using the same setup for the last 4 years. Took a while to set up but there was a step by step tutorial in a computer magazine that I followed. From then on, each time I logged into an account I changed the password and put it in KeePass. Now I have about 350 passwords stored. For me it was important to have control on the password DB and not be dependent on a company.
That would be great. It would mean that Asobo concentrate on the technical core of the game. 3rd party devs can then build on it. I am a great fan of the HPG H145 for example. There are nice missions already but the devs have to work with the limited tools they have today. The animations don’t look great. A better physics engine and more powerful animations could help make the missions look more life like.
I terms of installation they are actually a PC. Just load your favorite distro on a USB stick and install it as you would on a Desktop. For me Ubuntu is working great on an older Surface Go, including touch. The keyboard cover is highly recommended of course.