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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


That is a shame - I’ve had a lot of fun with it over the years. I can’t find anything quite like it- does anyone have any ideas?

I think that’s a reach - the difference between boring choices and interesting ones isn’t the engine - look at New Vegas and Daggerfall.

The problem with the latest Bethesda games has not been the engine. It’s the writing and the design choices

It’s a good game - I got my moneys worth from it, and the history of the Czech legion is remarkable! They pretty much define ‘going home the long way’!

WH40K Rogue Trader. It’s pretty good if you like that kind of thing. ‘Campaign’ bit of the campaign is significantly better that WOTR in my opinion

Jagged Alliance 3 - very good sequel to JA2, more of the same with enough tweaks to make it fun and the campaign has thrown enough curve balls to keep me interested. Like the original it doesn’t hold your hand, which is good. Strongly recommend if you liked the original

Yes, it’s good. If you liked JA2 you’ll like this.

Good. Used keepass for years, also useful for storing other confidential info. Put the app & vault in one cloud storage, key file in another and you’re synced across multiple computers, add an app for your phone and you’re good to go and surely reasonable secure providing you use a long password too.