Linguistics is cool AF! A lot of people think (I certainly used to) English is a romance language, sharing as much as it does from French. But it is Germanic!
While something like 90% of the dictionary owes itself to French in loan words, 95% of the most commonly used words, and the Grammer by which they’re used, belongs to the Germanic language family!
Fun linguistics fact for ya! Now you don’t have to play that game.
It has good bones. It seems a shame to have built out all the art, game engine, etc and not have made it longer. I get your point in that it was tidy, but I still can’t help but feel an opportunity was lost by not fleshing it out a bit.
Linguistics is cool AF! A lot of people think (I certainly used to) English is a romance language, sharing as much as it does from French. But it is Germanic!
While something like 90% of the dictionary owes itself to French in loan words, 95% of the most commonly used words, and the Grammer by which they’re used, belongs to the Germanic language family!
Fun linguistics fact for ya! Now you don’t have to play that game.