It’s interesting that DF has been around for just year and years and whenever I think it’s fully faded out some YouTuber makes a video about it and back it goes.
It’s like a cycle. People play dwarf fortress, people make a video on it. Then they forget. And then a new, young audience is around and another video comes out about Dwarf fortress and they watch it and get into it.
Well that’s kind of my confusion - because CS:GO isn’t an “easy” game per se, but it’s still massively popular.
It’s hard for me to know why. I do think the skill floor (as opposed to skill ceiling) is a decent part of it - but I honestly think a lot of it is just developers who never knew how to adapt that kind of arena shooter into something that actually makes money.
The death of the multiplayer boomer shooter (or crack shooter, if you will) is a real shame. They just never really maintained a presence and I’m not sure why. The most recent one I can think of was Quake Legends, which I actually thought was really good! I think the monetary approach behind it was just off.
It’s funny, back then the assumption was that these ultra fast twitch games would be the whole future, and you’d kind of assume that’s what people would gravitate to, and now the most popular competitive FPS is CS:GO by a margin - a pretty slow burn tactical game lol
It’s the most bizarre and almost worrying thing now how much video games have transitioned into this “game of the month” thing - where seemingly everyone with a computer all goes and buys the same game each month because it got hyped up by the twitch steamers they watch or whatever.
Just strange. “Are you playing Lethal Company? Everyone’s playing it. Oh, you wanna play Lethal Conpany? Everyone’s playing Palworld now. Oh shit man, we’re not playing that anymore, Dragons Dogma 2 is out”
I get what they mean. A lot of the MTX seems to be items that you genuinely would find very readily in the game. Paying simply gives you a type of “very easy” mode if you’re for some reason inclined.
It’s a…. Strange decision, as it makes the game look bad. But by all accounts it doesn’t really impact the gameplay of the game. It’s just like giving you the option buy Phoenix Downs in Final Fantasy with real money. You… can. You really don’t need to, 98% of players won’t.
It’s goofy more than anything. I guess I’d rather have it rather than day 1 expansion packs like Mass Effect had.
I’m kind of alright with this.
BG3 is genuinely the best video game I’ve ever played and I’ve played like… quite a few of them over 20+ years. A combination of lightning in a bottle and just genuine hard work.
At the same time, I think the story is very much over. They’ve tied a ribbon on it and I really feel like further “expansions” could only make it feel more murky.
As for BG4, this one took about two decades to come out, so I can’t really say how I’ll feel either way in 2050.
I mean… yeah no shit. You’re telling me the guys selling products other people make in an almost entirely digital system have a more profitability per staff than the people who develop their own products?
It’s always odd that people treat Steam like it’s this small almost indie company with it’s actually a gigantic monolith with a near monopoly in the PC gaming market
Same. I hate to feel like an absolute putz just shelling out money to giant corporations but also… at some point I feel like you have to acknowledge that making games is not cheap and that yeah, someone has to pay for it.
It’s always incredible to me whenever I see people gripe about subscription costs for popular MMOs like Runescape and World of Warcraft that are in the range of… (gasp!) $15 per month.
This is… so profoundly and insanely cheap to me. I am not a wealthy man, but $15 for what is very likely a person’s major source of entertainment for the entire month is an insane value.
This is one of those things that feels viscerally weird to me (Who the hell is playing Fortnite for the “Universe”) but then I remember Mojang and Microsoft were able to do basically the same thing (to incredibly profitable results) with… Minecraft of all things.
It’s kind of a weird state of things. In the past you had various Universes (Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc) that got adapted into games and such. Now you have games that get adapted into Universes. Different culture in a way.
A video I’ll have to check out later. It has however, been a game absolutely getting “Astro turfed” into social media in my experience though (as in, I get a ton of tiktoks of people saying “wow this scene was so sick!!” But it’s the same 2 scenes every time and neither of them are cool in any way) - and that’s normally a pretty bad sign.
Perplexing, but nice to see!
It’s a really great and faithful remake - but I feel like I heard so little about it that I’m so confused to see new endings and player characters come out for it now months later.
Hoping it has some second wind with the general gaming crowd. Seems like it got overshadowed by RE4 and the latest Zelda game and never hit it off with that kind of TikTok, game of the month crowd