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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


Brought my steamdeck to our new years party and managed to snag 2 others to play brotato in multiplayer for a bit. I thought it would be more popular to play some games since that is how we all know each other. Otherwise it would have been Factorio: space age.

I thought i would wait but since you get your money spent on EA as in-game currency also I bought it. Also noticed that I had a ton of stash tabs already as they transfer from the first game also. In days of scummy microtransactions and moneygrabbing companies this was a really nice move of GGG.

Did it change anything from the release? I know I beat it on my first try but I also remember that I was lucky with something because of something. This was in the first week of the release.


Dwarf fortress but I haven’t played that in a long time. It will outlast most other games however.

I was also too young when I got this game and it is one I would like to return to. Don’t have my psx any more either :(

Most games now have all the “qol” features that remove the need to communicate if that is even possible at all. It is a sad world we live in where everything has to go faster all the time. More dopamine per minute.

I also was in for the first couple of years in wow and even played Dark Age of Camelot before that and some Ultima online also. It was a different world back then. As a gamer I had all the time in the world to sink into these games. As an adult and a parent I got no time to sit down for hours upon hours to play like I did back then but I wish that kids that grow up today should have the same opportunity as I did to experience this.

I am also not a fan of building stuff and making it look nice. Just follow the easy rules to make a liveable cube and call it a day. That said I think terraria is the only game where I would consider actually spending some time making it look a bit nicer since it is so easy to do. I remember last time after completing the game I looked at some other peoples builds and got inspired.

The game required more from its players back then. I mean gl hf to solo your way to 50 in daoc :)

You sure? Horse armor bullshit began in a single player game.

I think you should try “The slormancer”. It got the gear quality of life stuff solved. You can go pretty much any spec of whatever you want and make it work. Just have to work a bit to get there :)

Pretty fun game but after a couple of plays it gets a bit repetitive in the early game, something the dev has said will be fixed in the future. Totally worth the price.

Who knows… I think all the ones you can buy are ugly while the free ones from seasons are pretty cool. Would never buy anyway if they changed that but I am happy as it is now.

Imagine saving money before a game releases. Oh no.

Played shapes2 and it is really fun but for me it feels heavier. When i play some Factorio mods there are times when it gets overwhelming and shapes have the same problem for me. Takes a couple of days or weeks to recover.

Also the rebuild everything thing in shapes 2 is not really true. When you get a few hours into the game the stuff you deliver is stuff you want to deliver forever to gain operator levels. The secondary stuff that isn’t forever stuff is what makes me give up. Fatigue of rebuild or something… Good thing we are all different :)

Don’t know if it is as bad as everyone is crying. I think most people forgot about quality stuff (which I know isn’t mandatory to play with, sure). You should also have more space for more lasers with the new power generator.

And while roaming the area with lasers is fun, how engaging is that in the long run? I like the change.

I looked in the game on the mod list. It is a mess and i couldn’t find any sorting or filtering. Maybe I just missed it?

I love this game. Made the walks with my kid more fun and longer. The fact that I only have to check the game once or twice a day depending on what I am doing is perfect.

Been playing this for a couple of months and I can say that the battery drain is next to nothing in my experience. No need to keep the app open to track steps.

Looking for new friends with benefits. If you know what I mean.

It’s a pretty cool game. I hate dice irl and they hate me but I had a hard time to put this game down. Bought it because I needed something small and relaxing to play.

Super Metroid - the atmosphere in the beginning of the game was something else when I started it the first time. The rain, the music… As a kid I was just mesmerized.

Gradius - being too fast is not always the best.

Factorio - planning goes a long way. Even if you think you planned for enough space for your construction it will never be enough as you probably need to make it larger later on.

Going to keep building my factorio factory. Almost done with industrial revolution 3. Should be done in another 40 hours or so…

I am a person that really don’t care about icons. I wanted 2 widgets but since I switched I have learnt to live with just one of the two. I promise, if the price was halved i wouldn’t have blinked but as it is now as a subscription every year. Yeah, no I don’t use my phone that much.

It was in a humble bundle way back. Same with EU4 and CK2 had their own bundles iirc. All were great deals if you didn’t own it.

Also using it since almost a year back i think now. But not pro. I can’t find a reason to pay that much for functionality I don’t really need even if I would pay to support the dev.

I love the game. Considering to buy it for two of my friends so we can play multiplayer some day.

Why even make these lists? Game taste is very subjective. I would not rank them in this order but then i haven’t played all of them either.

I think this was a new feature in the next version of Android. I don’t know if there is anything at the moment however. Sorry.

Different style of game. Samurai Showdown.

Unlocking the overclocks is just an unnecessary pain in the ass. Otherwise good game.

Can’t you just change zone on your Nintendo account and download the Japan app like you could do back in the day? Sure, the game is till in Japanese but you get the game :p

Thanks for posting the video. Was a good watch and I will watch some more videos from that channel. Really good content.

I remember when I read about bg3 not happening back in the day and it made me sad. I wondered a lot about what could have been bit I had no idea it was going to be in 3d and the only pictures were concept art. It is sad when IP and legal stuff comes in the way of creativity etc. I am happy that BG3 exists today but it is not the same.

I remember reading from someone working in the same building as them and saw them working as usual. It’s done when it’s done.

Got a NES with Mario and Gradius as a Christmas present. Opened the present with Gradius first and had no clue what it was but that would be the first game I ever played. Then running into the goomba in Mario like everyone did :)