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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: May 24, 2024


There are two reasons that common things might often be accused of immorality:

  1. Snowflakes these days are too sensitive
  2. We live in a fundamentally unethical society and have serious work to do to fix it

I believe in 2. Do you?

I still don’t believe you. That article doesn’t mention transphobia at all. It makes a point about sexism, and sexism isn’t the same thing as transphobia. Your claim that there’s an article saying cheese is transphobic is false. Also, I agree with the article. I love drinking breast milk, but only if she consents. And cows can’t consent.

Steam is fast. Epic is slow. Epic is always asking me to 2FA to access my library of free games. Epic takes minutes to load their store homepage.

I don’t believe you. Google doesn’t show that article, and I followed your instructions to the letter. I think you’re making stuff up.

CDPR aren’t gamers’ friends. Look at the transphobia controversy. Look at promising no crunch and then crunching anyway. CDPR are the “how do you do fellow kids” of the gaming industry. Everything they put out is greenwashed garbage.

Maybe if they keep using digital computers. What they need is an analogue system. It’s much more efficient for this kind of work.

The ACCC in australia sued Valve for their crappy refunds policy and forced them to implement an australian-style refund system. Everyone in the rest of the world enjoys it when a business treats them like australians (which is to say, like they have actual consumer rights), and assumed Valve was just nice. Epic, EA, Ubisoft and the rest treat them like americans, which they hate. So that’s why people love Valve. Because Australia sued the pants off them.

People tend to get the wrong idea from the story of David and Goliath. That story isn’t about a small guy defeating a big guy. That’s a story about somebody bringing a gun to a knife fight. Slings absolutely kicked ass in the ancient world. Goliath never stood a chance. Besides, David has been fighting goddamned lions before that point. Meanwhile modern experts have determined that Goliath likely suffered from a host of mental and physical disabilities due to his gigantism. Like, the bible describes him as needing to be guided by attendants to the battlefield because he couldn’t see right. David had that fight in the bag from the first moment, and anyone who paid attention knew it. Modern audiences misunderstand the story because they don’t know what a powerful weapon a sling is.

Boycotting is doing nothing. If 99 people do nothing and 1 person buys the game, studio still makes revenue.

You know what you can do to stop bad games practices? Share resources on how to do piracy. Shoplift copies of the game and dump them in the trash. Write to your politicians and ask for customer protections reform. DDoS their servers. Use the internet to bully and troll people who admit to playing the game. Cancel people who stream the game.

You mean this?

This doesn’t have diddly to do with inclusivity. You’re just laser focusing on the lipstick as the source of everything and somehow connecting a woman wearing lipstick to inclusivity. I guess it’s because incels think a woman’s makeup shouldn’t be visible? The original is exactly as inclusive as the new version. The reason the new one sucks, is because they hired crap animators and probably gave them no time to do their jobs and hardly any pay.

Some internet person created this redesign and it’s exactly as inclusive as the ingame version, while also being cool.

And here’s a redesign where they made a character look less like a straight cisgender human, and it slaps! Diversity is awesome, I want more lizard cowboys.

There are no reasonable senses of reality. Reality is a social construct enmeshed in patriarchal white supremacy.

TAB isn’t extra info, it’s scoreboard. I want mouse on extra info, mouse on scoreboard isn’t good enough. The UI is too cluttered.

Extra Info (ALT) No longer enables cursor mode.

Straight from the patch notes. Are you sure you’re actually talking aboutExtra Info and you didn’t just assume what the term means based on its meaning outside the game?

They nerfed the ALT button and I uninstalled it. They didn’t even add a toggle, they just decided using the extra info mode with your mouse is bad and removed it.

I’m going to be very excited for the Steam Deck when it comes out. Though I feel like Valve has been building hype around it for a little too long. I feel like they should have started advertising a year or a year and a half from release date. And considering they haven’t even announced a release date yet, perhaps that magical date is in the future. By the time Valve actually starts selling the thing, the hype might be all dried up.

I disagree. Look at the time Justin Roiland was accused of false imprisonment, and they replaced Rick and Morty. It went great, the new Rick and Morty sound perfect. Now look at how Marvel dragged their feet on replacing Jonathan Majors and eventually decided to just ignore all their Kang foreshadowing and replace him with Dr Doom. It sucks, they should have just recast him.

Recasting allows newer and less well known actors to break into an entertainment industry dominated by sequels, adaptations, and franchises. They reduce the capital held by big time actors who are already far too rich. Recasting is good.

Monkey King: Hero Is Back made 153 million dollars. Warframe is 11 years old, and currently has an annual revenue higher than 153 million. Warframe is the bigger game.

Werecat said it’s not third person. I offered a friendly correction, and you demanded I be less obtuse. You should stop criticising me for your decisions.

If your meme requires misgendering me in order to work, then it’s a crap meme. Be a decent person, please.

Sure thing, I will be 100% direct:

Deadlock is third person (over the shoulder). Dota is third person (3D rendered top-down). These two forms of camera are named after the literary convention of third person narration in literature. Literary third person, like gaming third person, comes in a variety of forms, typically characterised by the level of omniscience of the narrator. You and WereCat are using third person as a shorthand for over the shoulder because you have poor critical thinking skills and prefer to mindlessly repeat the words you’ve heard other use. Other people typically use third person in video games to refer to shooters, contrasting it with first person. There are no isometric shooters, unless you count bullet hells. While isometric games are also third person, people typically choose the shorter name of isometric when applicable for convenience. The Wernicke’s area of your brain has therefore decided that isometric games are not third person, because it works on correlations, not on logic. You neglected to use your conscious powers of logic to question your assumptions, because you’re lazy.

That’s not a number. If you have an alternative to third person, phrase it as a number.

For Honour. It’s a competitive sword fighting game. You’ll like the combat system. She’ll like devising a strategy on how best to lead the creeps to overrun the enemy castle.

Or maybe you’ll prefer Foxhole, a persistent trench warfare simulation game where players manufacture every bullet and build every fortification. It’s not as fast paced as Overwatch, but I bet she’ll like digging a trench for you to use for cover as you nail fools and slowly take ground from the enemy.

And then I’ll grow yer arse’s arse and I’m the grass man, punk yeah heaven’s heathen…

Bruh it’s a free secret game. Valve hasn’t even announced that the game exists. This is the period in time when alphas normally happen.

It’s made by a different team, but it’s still Subnautica. I liked it, just understand it’s not as good as the first.

Hell yeah. Valve is making consumer friendly practices the industry meta!

You asked Joe Biden to step down and you got what you wanted. Good job, be happy.

Kids deserve to have games like Roblox, but they don’t deserve to be exploited financially by them by child labour and gambling mechanics.

As always, the answer to child welfare is to prevent them interacting directly with capitalism and markets. Children should always be given a communist upbringing with free food, shelter, clothes, healthcare, education, and recreation.

Awesome. Time to prove that my abolitionist beliefs are superior because I have the best spells.

By the Hist, thank you. But if I spoke to the slaves, they’d still call themselves slaves, right?

Thanks for all the advice, I want more, as I have a question Google wouldn’t help me with. I think my character would fit in great in House Telvanni, except for the slavery part. If I join Telvanni, can I climb the ranks and eventually abolish slavery?

What about Destiny 1? That was cool. Everywhere felt different.