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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 05, 2023



I tried both of these just now and Flauncher is very rough around the edges. Spooky’s Projectivy Launcher is great, though! I do miss being able to quickly change users by long-pressing the home button, though.

Edit: though

ToRAto[email protected]Pink Joy-cons

For $80 they damn well better have hall effect joysticks. I’m done fucking around with joycon drift.

The evidence they show in all the videos are not to be doubted, but they are still making conclusions that I am not sure they are qualified to make. They report on this with so much bias and opinion.

Just report on it and express that it needs to be investigated properly. Let the qualified people perform the full investigation with audits and then draw your conclusions.

Their main complaint is the format of the report, not the advertisement. So, this summary is a disingenuous representation of their point. Though, I don’t think they made their point very well.

You straight up didn’t read a large part, buddy.

Read the comment and you’d understand. But if you just want to stay ignorant while you jump to your conclusions, that’s your prerogative.

The context is the ‘Portal’ game series by Valve. Interesting how you conveniently skip right over that part.

The developer has now changed the video and removed the word ‘official’ from the title. The video also includes the text ‘Portal: Revolution is an unofficial, fan-made modification for Portal 2 and is not with or endorsed by Valve Software.’ If there was no issues with saying ‘official’ then why did they remove it and add that text there?

Since you mention education, let me school you on the fact that Valve does in fact own the trademark for ‘Portal’

You say ‘there is no reason for such assumption’ even though the assumption is built right into title of ‘Portal’. The person reading it is already ‘assuming’ this is in reference to the Portal series made by Valve. If ‘there is no reason for such assumption’ then why else would anyone assume it has anything to do with the Portal games? Hell, why would anyone assume it’s a video game at all?

It’s obvious that the trailer is about the Portal series and if you are unaware of anything about the fan mod there is no way for anyone to be able to guess that the video is not about an official new addition to the Portal series. Particularly considering Valve just released an update to Half-Life 1.

How pathetic that you can’t just have a reasonable discussion and instead resort to flinging insults like a monkey flinging their own shit. Grow up, kiddo.

Again, using the word ‘official’ with ‘Portal’ implies that Valve made it.

Do people just magically know that Valve had nothing to do with it because of the “Revolution” or any other factor?

I mean, you had to specify “which is a community mod”. Without that information, it would be reasonable to assume it was made by Valve. No?

I did edit my comment saying it was likely not intentional. But in the case that it was intentionally using the word ‘official’ to mislead people to even just click on the video, is still misleading and manipulating people into doing something they may not have done otherwise.

But yeah, it’s most likely that the dev did not realize the implications of using that word.

I am curious why you think the example is too different. Because it outlines the exact same scenario besides selling the product. A company owns an IP. A person uses that IP to create a product. That product is then labeled ‘official’ though the owner of the IP had not authorized the use of their IP.

Because the title and thumbnail both say ‘official’ and to someone who has not heard of this before would reasonably assume it’s an official addition to Portal made by Valve. Not until after you click on the video are you able to learn it’s not actually official.

You are led to click on the video thinking it’s something it is not.

That is the epitome of misleading.

No, I understood it fine as soon as I found out it was a fan-made mod.

I never heard of this project before and had no idea it was a mod when I clicked on the video that says both ‘Portal’ and ‘official’ in the title and on the thumbnail.

If you need context first then it’s misleading. The context of “fan mod” is not explicit from an outside perspective.

I like how you made notes and checked them without actually reading the whole comment. You’re an observant one.

Imagine it under a different context.

I made a fan art of some Pokemon that was popular then made a poster of it and started selling it as an “Official Poster” of that fan art. I was the artist of the art on the poster and made the poster itself. However the term “official” strictly means it is properly licensed under the Pokemon brand and that The Pokemon Company themselves cleared the product to be used under the brand of Pokemon. Otherwise they can straight up sue me and take the profits, and they would be legally in the right because ‘official’ is a term that has protection under trademark law.

The developer of Portal is Valve, so saying ‘official’ makes it seem like it’s from Valve.

Yes, ‘Official’ in itself does not mean ‘made by Valve’. The meaning is contextual. In the case of games, ‘official’ denotes it was released by the creator of the title itself. So, in this case Portal was made by Valve. Anything using ‘Portal’ and ‘official’ together means Valve.

Thanks for the heads up.

@[email protected] please remove the word ‘official’ from the title. Even though the video uses it, that use is wrong.

What about this is ‘official’ in any way? It makes me not want to play the mod for their manipulative use of the word in their advertising.

Edit: thinking back on it, I doubt there was any intention of manipulation. Most likely just ignorance on the implications of using the word.

Edit 2: The developer changed the video and removed the word ‘official’ from the title. The video also includes the text ‘Portal: Revolution is an unofficial, fan-made modification for Portal 2 and is not with or endorsed by Valve Software.’

This article is about which is completely different from the open-source software available on uses a proprietary form of the WordPress software that requires an overpriced subscription just to be able to install plugins. Not to mention that they intentionally make it confusing that there is a difference between WordPress and