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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


The bomb was in the top left you say? How? I’m too tired to figure it out.

But I did download Minesweeper immediately after seeing this post. I think I need to flex my brain more.

I guarantee you will never find a game like the Return of the Obra Dinn. Never. It’s a shame that I will never ever be able to re-experience playing it for the first time again. If I could erase my memory of it to play again I would.

Unheard is another good one. It scratches the itch after you’ve played Obra Dinn and you’re clamoring for more. It depends on proximity and sound and attention to detail to play and solve. Amazing.

Gorogoa is absolutely amazing and beautiful. It’s a puzzle game you will appreciate as a designer. It uses perspective. Gorgeous.

I appreciate you for being so patient waiting to appreciate everyone. That’s why I love this community.

Shadow of the Colossus hands down. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bEFPKRsDeDI&pp=ygUcc2hhZG93IG9mIHRoZSBjb2xvc3N1cyBzaG90cw%3D%3D

Absolutely stunning landscapes and sweeping shots. Gorgeous. I asked around my house and this was the first answer.

Lol Minecraft. Because I control the camera and I am a genius.

My shakey hands deleted my comment while I was editing it lol

I think I tried that but failed somehow. It worked for a bit but kept becoming unresponsive. When I get my setup back up and running (flood destroyed my cables 😢) I’m going to try again.

Stealth games are my favorite genre. But I could not get Thief to run on my computer. I don’t know why.

I got the entire series for like $7 during a steam sale and I can’t play 😭

I will have to watch the video more in depth later though.

My kitten kept meowing and chittering at the tv and jumping up and down. So I’d say it gets his cat seal of approval.

It’s very quiet and a little peaceful in a dystopian sort of way.

Same here. And if they come out with another one I’ll grab it. Although I didn’t play 9 because of bad reviews.

But I did recently replay DW8 Empires yet again. Love it!

I picked up a copy of Romance of the Three Kingdoms to read finally.

Welcome to the fold! It truly is one of my favorite games of all time.

Don’t forget you can play as any main character at all and change completely how they look. It’s pretty rad. (You probably figured that out already lol)

I’m on probably my tenth run through. Always something new.

I personally always complete every fight they have because it’s super fun and nets plenty of experience. But skipping some to get off the island it’s also fun.

Hope you have a good time!