Kyoyeou (Ki jəʊ juː)
  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


As an Ex-Yuumi player it was unironicly something I did enjoy to calm down, when it was not just stay afk on your ADC. I used to Chill mute everyone and play Yuumi Top, just farming and blocking golds from top tower for ennemy TOP

And I am full serious not joking, it was chill and a viable strategy

Under my Home made Religion you mean of course

Tunic for me, simply going, walking around, revisiting a place know well

And “A Short Hike” for my SO, they where feeling bad one day and came to see me. I got Ice Craem, some Blankets, and gave them the controler next while I was against them. Now everytime they felt sad they go on a walk to this mountain. I surprised them preparing their laptop by putting A Short Hike Wallpaper, and made their day like that

Word to Emoji Rules Changing? On phone
Hey, 2 days ago I downloaded to try "Thumb-key" ad I discovered it from here, it looked fun and is fun. Now I just gave a problem which is for me personally pretty annoying. I use Signal and usually when writing to my SO, I write :heart: to get a ❤️ or I write :kiss: to get a 💋 emoji. And for some reasons since I downloaded a new keyboard, no matter which I use, the rules for Word to Emoji have changed? And I can't manage to write any of those? On PC those still work, and I am confused on how adding one keyboard changed it all? (OnePlus 7 Pro -A11)