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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Oh the Dev team is fully aware of that, one look at the story cinematics (with the character of Deimos) the team has released starting a year ago will make that very clear.

Not to mention with the absolute BANGER that was the Six Invitational tournament which has just ended (Seriously, watch the grand final highlights whenever they come out), the popularity of the R6 franchise may just skyrocket and outgrow its legacy.

FOSS Android Keyboard that supports password manager auto-fill like Gboard does?
I'm slowly but surely switching everything I use to FOSS alternatives and after using Gboard for a while thanks to it's good swipe typing, I moved to OpenBoard for the same reason. Unfortunately, the fact that I can't auto-fill my password via 1Password is bugging me (on top of less-than-ideal autocorrect). You guys know any alternatives?