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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


This should be the new gaming copy pasta. I applaud your rational introspection, and solid writing.

That’s possible. I think where the data goes astray is the severity of the tornado. Like in other words, I bet tornadoes are hitting schools all the time but it’s hardly more than a strong wind.

Like just from a quick Google search, there are about 1,200 tornadoes a year in the United States. And there have been days that have had record tornadoes of like 100 tornadoes per day. And I know, at least as of a few years ago, there were quite a few areas of the country where there are huge gaps in radar coverage.

It’s just that it’s not really anyone’s job to count how many schools get hit by tornadoes. It’s kind of like how with dog bites, it’s not anyone’s job to record the breed, so the data ends up being a total crap shootn and nobody really has any idea.

I wish they’d share the crime scene photos of their kids.

Edit: why is this so unpopular? It will only be when Americans are forced to see the consequences of their votes that they actually confront them. Emmett Till’s mother made sure the photos of his bashed in face were on the front page of the paper.

In that case I have no choice but to restore the post by popular demand.

This was a joke but apparently nobody was amused.

You self hosters are worse than crossfitters and mountaineers, always stretching to find ways to slip it into conversations. Quit making me feel feelings about how I’m not hosting my own cloud services and just using whatever Google shit exists.

I play this game and was horrified when I saw that. Seems like a mistake. It’s really taxing them by income level, as education is what determines income level.

Mario, nice name drop. I hadn’t ever thought of that level as a tutorial, yeah it sure is though.

People won’t enjoy a game unless they learn the basic features.

It’s a fine line for devs between teaching the player what they need to know in order to even have a chance at enjoying the game, and jamming it down their throats.

The classic example is the game Portal. It’s a perfect tutorial. The player doesn’t even realize it’s the tutorial.


I am frustrated with Cities Skylines 2, lately. Text-based tutorial with optional progress checks which is okay, but they pop up as soon as you look at a newly unlocked feature, not necessarily when you are ready to build the feature.

I agree completely. Another poster said the water looks fake, big waves. I’ve thought, the game is supposed to look miniature.

I’ve thought it makes the city and people feel more miniature.

Oh right, well I forgot about that and boy do I feel like an idiot.

Why did they name a game after a secret society at Yale?

Should have picked something original.

Also, compared to any other city builder, there really is no competition. Even if the launch was truly botched, the game was unplayable, nobody got about 12 fps, there’s not another full feature city builder. Not since SimCity blew it’s brains out.

I just bought the game and see their post from today, which matches up with what you’re saying. I have high hopes.

Im far too busy, my time is much too valuable to answer cookie consents. Let me just download nightly builds and push them to my phone every day.

Lawyer here, it is true.

Board of directors and company officers have a fiduciary duty to the stockholders and the corporate entity.

Acts done outside their authority as stated in the articles of corporations are said to be ultra vires. They are absolutely actionable.

When the directors or officers breach the fiduciary duty to shareholders, they are liable under what’s called a derivative action, because it is derivative of the contract represented by the stock certificate.