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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 12, 2023


Miyamoto is not the current president of Nintendo and hasn’t been for a while. These days he’s a guy who walks into your office to see what you’re doing with the characters he created 35 years ago and says “good job” or “nah, I don’t think that fits the spirit of the series”. Blaming him for corporate policy is somewhat nonsensical.

comparing their shitiness with Blizzard’s is like comparing apples to oranges.

That’s… what I said.

My point is supposed to be that Lemmy acts as a though they’re the devil, when in reality they’re just the regular amount of corporate shitty. All of what you said is true, and I’m not trying to convince you it isn’t. It just feels surreal how every comment in here is the same, like it’s the same person behind every username. I get no sense of individuality here, ya know ?

Here’s the difference though: most people outside of Lemmy don’t care about Nintendo’s copyright lawsuits enough that it’s the only thing they talk about whenever they hear the name. The fact that every comment expresses the same thing is the part that feels like a hive mind. Some criticism of a large corporation is one thing, but how strongly Lemmy holds that opinion feels cultish. Blizzard’s leadership protects sex abusers and Ubisoft has had a work culture many describe as nightmarish for decades. Seeing Nintendo put on that level for something not even unique to them makes me think some of you don’t know what nuance or perspective are.

I thought the leaker saw those and decided to not reveal too many details other than they exist? There’s a sentence about it in the article.

I swear to god, the Lemmy hive mind is even more intense than their predecessor.

It’s beta builds of old games. It’s only valuable to super fans who wanted to see what could have been.

I didn’t even realize that they didn’t specify gaming companies until you pointed that out. In that case I wouldn’t even put Nintendo in the top 50.

We have not once encountered a corporate shitstain as aggressive as them.

Are you kidding? You can’t think of a single company in the modern games industry worse than Nintendo? Do EA, Ubisoft, and Activision Blizzard not exist in your reality? What did they do in your eyes that makes them worse than sex abusers and slave drivers?

Good thing happens:

Lemmy: Yeah but lawsuits am I right?

Can’t you people be happy for one goddamn second?

Why a shooter? Superheroes aren’t known for using guns, and tend to be bulletproof themselves. Did they just copy the current trend and apply a Marvel coat of paint? That’s stupid.

I could have sworn Atari was bankrupt. Where’d they get the money to acquire anything?

Not a big name outlet, but the Jimquisition awards bar any game with any form of post purchase monetization from entry, and will revoke the award of anything that adds them after the award is given. (This happened with Rocket League in the past.)

Doesn’t it, though?

It used to normal to beat your kids. It was wrong then and it’s wrong now.

This is what the players wanted, and the industry listened.

The reason we are having this conversation in the first place is because people didn’t want it.

This isn’t forced upon anybody.

They added it the game post-launch, after reviews had already come out. Anyone morally opposed to micro transactions (which as I’ll get to in next point, have a very good reason to be opposed to on principle) who had bought the game has been tricked into supporting a business practice they despise. This is incredibly scummy and should rightfully be seen as a dick move.

It only becomes a moral problem if somebody’s choices are circumvented, but that’s not really what’s happening here.

Micro transactions as a concept are strategically designed to exploit people with addictive personalities. This is not a theory on my part, this is legitimately what the intent behind them is. But don’t take my word for it, here’s a video discussing that very thing.

Something being normalized doesn’t automatically make it morally okay.

So tech outpaces legislation, as it is wont to do since legislation is notoriously slow, and so because of that our reaction should be to throw our hands up and not even try? Perhaps you don’t sympathize as much as you think you do.

Their games get delayed because they actually finish them before release. They’re one of the last AAA publishers who still believe in quality control. This is a very bad take.