Right off the bat, the Dead Space series is pretty good. Crazy as it sounds, Dead Space: Extraction (a wii game that no one talks about, although it is also on the PS3) is probably my favorite in the series.
You can’t go wrong with the Silent Hill series, and another possibly unpopular opinion is that Silent Hill 4 : The Room is probably my favorite. >
Now a real oddball pick. Is it the best game? No. Does it have an amazing story? No. But Obscure and Obscure 2 were a lot of fun of you’re cool with “this is like a really low budget campy horror flick” kind of games. Played them with a buddy a few years ago and it was the most fun co-op experience I’ve had in ages.
Off of what I have record of - Stardew Valley. 387 hours on Steam, just over 200 hours on my Switch, and my current file on my phone is at 87 hours - not including previous files that I do not have anymore.
That being said, there are games that I bet would be up there as well but they don’t record time so I have no way of knowing.
Minecraft, which has over 200 hours on my Switch alone despite most of my play time being on PC or my phone.
Starcraft: Brood War Super Smash Bro. Melee. I don’t play these two much, anymore, but when I was young and didn’t have much else of a life, these took up an incredible amount of my time.
I think this really is just a personal preference deal. I WANT games with scores and grades. Come on, game, tell me that I’m horrible and that I need to do better! Maybe I’m into the punishment, I don’t know. Played too much Bop It! as a kid and got used to the guy screaming when I messed up.
This is why I play so many arcade style games, and so many rhythm games. This is why communities for speedrunning, rhythm games, and high scores still exist - otherwise I would think I’m completely alone in this 😂