There’s actually an HAI video on that. Those names were actually a direct result of an attempt by Amazon to curate their products better.
One of the good things valve has been doing recently is cracking down hard on smurfs/alts. I started league last year and was often the only actual new player in the game. Imagine the amount of toxicity I got when people found out there was an actual noob in their new Smurf’s matchmaking.
Bad play doesn’t matter as much if everyone is actually on the same level. If everybody is bad, nobody is.
The amount of reference material it has is also a big influence. I’ve had to pick up PLC programming a while ago (codesys/structured text, which is kinda based on pascal). While chatgpt understands the syntax it has absolutely no clue about libraries and platform limitations so it keeps hallucinating those based on popular ones in other languages.
Still a great tool to have it fill out things like I/O mappings and the sorts. Just need to give it some examples to work with first.