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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Mar 16, 2024


Hope this results in Firefox changing it to be opt in and not result in Firefox going the way of the dodo - We can’t have Chromium be the only option, and without somebody developing base Firefox, the forks are going to die off

It could potentially one day do that (except the unleash creativity part). Issue is, none of that is profitable, and even if it was, AI that can manage that is still a long way’s off and sure as hell won’t be found by a for profit venture

I kind of hope they try overextending their reach here

That would lead to HILARIOUS amounts of backlash

Makes sense, with how Nintendo has been especially bad lately, may as well keep constantly updating before the inevitable C&D comes

Google is different!

They’d find a way to kill a great product at the same time as being charged!

Basically, Google trying to kill adblockers internet wide via containing addons in restrictive containers. Firefox and anything branched off of it are the only browsers not jumping on. Google apparently starting it up now with V3

Hey, Pokemon never goes down in price and is that much!

…Wait that just supports your argument

Even if it was real, pretty sure Gaben would just laugh in their faces

As long as Gaben runs Valve, I can see him just laughing and saying no to whatever offer Microsoft gives

I think it would be better if they made their own instance that worked akin to Mastodon. Then they are always in control of it and people can use whatever Fediverse account to follow

Apparently it’s not even Nintendo, but trolls. Just that this is such a Nintendo thing to do that GMod doesn’t want to even risk it

EDIT: So the domain is owned by MarkMonitor, a service that monitors for copyright infringement and sends DMCAs. Nintendo HAS used them before. So that clears up any confusion there

Excites me, helps prove to me that my game idea would do great