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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2024


I just started the thaumaturge and it’s freaking awesome. Looking forward to Stalker 2 later this year after they patched it a bit more

For years that game was Warframe for me. Just turn of my brain and run missions I know inside and out while watching twitch from the corner of eye on a second monitor. At some point I wanted to have more time to play other games so I stopped and didn’t find a new cozy game

Sand Land. The style is great. Story is pretty cool and well delivered. Gameplay is meh. Feels like a watered down Mad Max.

Sounds like you’re over saturated and need a break from gaming. Happens to a lot of us.Try not gaming at all for like 2-3 months. It’ll feel fresher afterwards

Don’t Nod obviously employs more than the 69 people that are at stake. It would be called a foreclosure instead of a restructuring if it wasn’t the case

I’d be curious to see the win 11 share without mandated corporate upgrades. As in, if you leave users a choice, do they want or even care about win 11?

Even if I was a bazillionaire, I’d still be pirating Sony games out of principle

I have for some time thought of categorizing my library with some sort of factor where I calculate quality per time spent, which I would base on dividing the steam score by the completion time. So short and good games would be on top of the queue, before long and good or short and middling, with long and middling at the bottom

What’s your field of work? I work in IT and really try to find some day to day use cases where AI might help and I just don’t seem to find any. The odd presentation or maybe a sprint review protocol, but nothing recurring or anything that feels game changing.