Some Android versions let you map the flashlight to the volume buttons and you can toggle it by pressing both at the same time. The option can be found in the system settings. If your OS does not have the setting, you can map the keys with an app like Torchie. It’s probably the feature I use the most on my phone, I couldn’t live without it at this point.
It takes a bit to get used to. The first thing I do on a new playthrough is go to train with Bernard right away until my sword skill is high enough. You can forget using the sword before that, it’s a night-and-day difference. Once you get to the point where you’re running around with a set of full armor, you’re basically human tank. I actually killed the first boss in one hit once lol.
Mafia’s “A Trip to the Country” mission has to be up there for best thunderstorm. The atmosphere in the Remake was even better.
Thanks for the suggestion, Torchie is also on F-Droid :)