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  • 5 Posts
Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2024


Thanks for the suggestion, Torchie is also on F-Droid :)

Some Android versions let you map the flashlight to the volume buttons and you can toggle it by pressing both at the same time. The option can be found in the system settings. If your OS does not have the setting, you can map the keys with an app like Torchie. It’s probably the feature I use the most on my phone, I couldn’t live without it at this point.

Control is such a gorgeous game. One of the few games that I 100%ed in recent years. The gameplay loop is insanely fun but it did get a bit repetitive towards the end.

And in hour 500 your high-level character dies to some random branch scratching his neck as they walk though the woods.

The songs were even removed from the original game due to a licensing issue. Luckily there are mods to restore them.

The remake still has a solid soundtrack, though it’s mostly orchestral.

I’m a huge OG Mafia fan as well (I even ran the “official” Subreddit). I thought the sequels and the remake were pretty good with the exception of Mafia 3. It was a solid game by itself but not really as part of this series IMO.

Warcraft has to be the one of the most quotable games of all time.

The setting doesn’t really fit the theme of the previous two games but there are a few sections in New York that are absolutely true to the originals. The gameplay is great as well, probably the best shooting I’ve ever seen in a 3rd person game. I can definitely recommend checking it out.

The game is also “free” with Game Pass in case you have that.

The core gameplay and story seem to be very solid and bugs can be fixed in patches. 8/10 with upwards potential looks good to me.

Gamestar, the largest German gaming site, recently stated that they are very optimistic about the game and that the preview they got to play behind closed doors was excellent. Maybe it looks a bit outdated, but that was also the case for the previous titles when they came out.

The game will have a Ukrainian language option afaik. There won’t be a Russian dub though.

It takes a bit to get used to. The first thing I do on a new playthrough is go to train with Bernard right away until my sword skill is high enough. You can forget using the sword before that, it’s a night-and-day difference. Once you get to the point where you’re running around with a set of full armor, you’re basically human tank. I actually killed the first boss in one hit once lol.

I enjoyed the combat system overall but it got very tedious and unfair if you got attacked by more than two people at the same time. I suppose it’s realistic, but it wasn’t really fun when you had to “lock on” to multiple enemies.

Mafia’s “A Trip to the Country” mission has to be up there for best thunderstorm. The atmosphere in the Remake was even better.

Alien Isolation was very close to being the perfect Horror game for me and a true love letter to the first movie. Can’t wait for the sequel.

I was just wondering if we’re gonna get any news of the prequel during Gamescom. So glad to hear that it was not among the games 2K cancelled earlier this year. Hangar13 did great with the Mafia Remake so I am extremely hyped for this.

That would be a very good thing. I don’t even bother to read the reviews at this point. The average score is the only thing that offers an insight into how well received the game actually is.

That and the fact that the whole studio packed up and moved to the Czech Republic in the middle of development. It’s been pretty rough but I’m positive that the game will turn out fine.