Allan, plaease add details

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


These are fun:

  1. TRUST: Telemarketing Reliability Using Safety Technology (abuse of safety systems)
  2. HOPE: Helpful Online Personalization Engine (literally just adware)
  3. TRUST: Tracking Retail Usage Systems Technology (amazon spying)
  4. LIBRE: Liberating Inconvienenced Beings of Repour Emails (gmail reading emails from your friends)

I know that feeling all too well, and im aware theres somthing brighter on the other side.

Your comment explains exactly why saying “kids are dumb” is too reductive. We dont have to all be rocket scientists, but there is a bar that most humans naturally surpass. The most gross people on this earth want to artifitially put people below that bar and keep them as slaves and/or pets. Wether they have suceeded is debateable. Im describing addictive things. Sadly, Youtube, a home for real and fake people alike to make interesting stuff, doesnt matter because the site uses content as bait, a system to keep you hooked.

slaves to their surroundings

That Could mean anything, my inturpritation of what you said is “slaves to wherever way the wind blows them.” Feel free to correct me.

Big problem with modern software is where you aggrogate diffrent ‘views’ of data without making it clear what your looking at, mom gets confused where her documents run off to when they disappear from ‘recently used’. Dont know how it works and it controls you.

Didn’t catch that, honestly, Who paid WSJ to make or let slip thru the editors, this artical.