  • 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Dec 20, 2023


I absolutely loved 2. I beat 2 before I beat 1, but went back and beat 1, and beat 2 multiple more times.

I can’t say I have an order, but I love:

  • Kingdom Hearts 2
  • Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

Those are my favorite from the series as whole.

I really couldn’t ever get into Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories or Re:Chain of Memories.

Back in the day, I bought Birth by Sleep and beat it, but wanted more; so there was an English Patch of the final mix for PSP available and beat that too. And when the collection came out on PS4 (Before the PC release) I went and bought a PS4 Pro just for KH collection. Which now I am going back and beating all of them again but on Proud.

I loved Kingdom Hearts 3 regardless of the masses saying otherwise. It’s my opinion, and I’m sticking to it. I’ve been around since 1, all the way til it’s end.

You didn’t calm down in your old age? Go shake your cane at some clouds in a different yard gramps.

Take a breather, walk away from the internet. Touch some grass. Go do something productive with your time instead of being an insignificant sad angry little person.

Have the day you deserve

Your comment is more useless than the meme comment you were responding to.

Don’t like something, scroll on.

Are you being pissy just to be pissy?

Not that I have the knowledge, experience, or tools to really tinker with this; but I do look forward to what others may do with this!

Please elaborate on how this is “ironic”

By offering this as a bonus doesn’t take away the offline installers and DRM Free content you buy from them.

It isn’t being forced, and it isn’t costing extra, so what’s the issue?

I still use Nova, however, I use AFWall+ to deny internet access to it. As well, as give it as little permissions as necessary.

I have tried many of launchers over the years, and I can only find myself using one: Nova.

However, I don’t exactly love that Nova was bought out by Branch, an analytics company. So I still use Nova, but when using LineageOS or stock Android I use AFWall+ to block internet access to Nova.

If privacy isn’t a concern of yours, then Nova without a way to deny internet connection to it would do.

Nova has the google feed feature you are looking for. It works quite well.

Nova has 1 feature that I cannot find in another launcher (at least not an open source one…) that for me is the ability to swipe up and down on an app icon and have it launch another app or shortcut. It’s powerful and allows me to keep my homescreen empty, and I have 12 app icons on my taskbar. That being said with swiping, I can launch 36 apps from my taskbar alone. Allows me to keep it clean. And that mixed with separate tabs for app categories created by me.

The closest to Nova I have found, and is an excellent launcher is NeoLauncher

This launcher has quite the selection of features and I do implore you to check this launcher out.

I did end up getting Android Auto to work luckily. However, other things just went sort of south from there. My use case for GrapheneOS wasn’t quite fit.

The built in firewall did work well enough for my usecase. However, I didn’t want a DNS based adblocking solution as that took away from my ability to connect to my home VPN. I should reach out to see if they can help. However, I did end up switching back to LineageOS since I could use a custom kernel which significantly lowered the running temps of my phone.

I wanted to try DivestOS, but there isn’t a Pixel 8 Pro build yet.

Huge fan of what GrapheneOS and the team/community have done to make it better. I am sure going to keep my eye on it going forward.

There didn’t appear to be a DivestOS image for my Pixel 8 Pro, so I went back to LineageOS since I couldnt have AdAway and AfWall+ among other things on GrapheneOS.

I ended up trying out LSPosed mod and Pixel Expert and Iconify, and decided not to use it. This k you for taking the time to respond and share!

That sounds quite frustrating, wish I had any advice to help but sadly I don’t.

I ended up trying GrapheneOS on my P8P, but it didn’t quite fit my use case.

I ended up back on LineageOS again, so I could have AdAway, AFWall+, and as of today I installed a custom kernel (Sultan Kernel) and I am pretty happy with the outcome.

I still love GrapheneOS but I was having issues with notifications among other things.

Hide LSPosed
Will Zygisk + PIF + Shsmiko hide LSPosed? Currently I am passing safetynet/integrity checks with root on LineageOS 21, if I install Pixel Xpert and [LSPosed_mod](https://github.com/mywalkb/LSPosed_mod/releases) will I nerd any thing else to continue to pass the checks? I used to use [Hide My App List](https://github.com/Dr-TSNG/Hide-My-Applist) to help hide root/LSPosed. Is this still necessary?

Never been an iOS user outside the days of the iPod touch, specifically gen 2 and 4. Though, I jailbroke them as soon as it was possible. Are you playing local music? I may have some suggestions for it.

Graphene is a nice degoogled option, when there aren’t issues. Unfortunately with my Pixel 8 Pro, I have had a lot of issues that just don’t seem solvable without dev changes.

Can’t say I have ever gone down the rabbit hole of using /e/OS Though I have heard of it. What bugs are you experiencing?

I would have given DivestOS a shot if I was on a Pixel 7 Pro, because that’s what I wanted instead of the 8 Pro, but necessity dictated I bought one because I can’t be without one for very long.

I will keep an eye on Diveset, but it is looking like I may go back to what I had setup on my 7: LineageOS, rooted, with my necessary tweaks. At least I like tweaking things, so there is that.

On my 7 Pro, Android Auto worked great. Since flashing GrapheneOS on my Pixel 8 I have had no such luck.

I know it’s overkill, I was running AdAway as root, with a Wireguard connection to my home VPN, which was running behind a PiHole instance, along with uBlock Origin, and a few other measures of blocking like AFWall+. But I may just go the route of using PiHole as my adblocking solution (along with my own unbound DNS server.)

Though, you have piqued my interest with Blocky, as I have had some issues with PiHole that I am not wanting to troubleshoot at the moment.

I may have to fine tune my uBlock in order to block advertisements from video (and luckily with Mull I have been able to use SponsorBlock successfully.)

The video advertisements that haven’t been blocked are on other video hosts that I have found for various purposes, but maybe with fine tuning my uBlock, and having blocky, or PiHole, or AdGuard home (although if I am being honest, I am avoiding anything that isn’t open source as much as possible.)

I know my preferences and use cases are niche, but I really do appreciate the conversation around this! Thank you so much!

Mull is my current browser of choice, so I like that idea. I will have to give DivestOS a shot. Thank you! It doesn’t look like the Pixel 8 Pro is supported by DivestOS, at least not from a quick glance. I will have to look into potentially what it would take to build it for it though.

I may have to give that a shot. Thank you!

I love GrapheneOS, but it falls short on any adblocking outside the scope of my browser. I have also had issues using PrivateDNS on GrapheneOS. It seems to kill my network connection.

I can’t seem to get away from Nova Launcher because of some features that no open source launchers seem to have, and with Nova being bought out by Branch a number of years ago, it made me uncomfortable giving telemetry and other data to them since they are an analytics company, so introduce AFWall+, I can restrict access to network for Nova. I am doing the same thing with GrapheneOS, so a firewall for that exact issue isn’t exactly a worry or a problem for me.

I still use Ublock with my browsers of choice on any android based OS, but the problem that I am having is that for videos, Ublock doesn’t seem to block any of the video ads for me.

The big reasson for AdAway for me was because it was root based and didn’t hijack my DNS, which also allowed me to VPN into my home network so that I could work on some projects on machines there because I don’t have any ports exposed to access such services outside of the ports needed for me to connect to my VPN.

What Rom do you prefer for your Pixel device?
Hello everyone! A lot has happened since my last post, specifically talking about my LineageOS inquiries. I had a string of bad luck and broke the digitizer but no cracks to my Pixel 7 Pro. So I ended up "upgrading" to the Pixel 8 Pro because the store I went to only had the 8 Pro and not the 7 Pro in stock and it was dire that I have a phone. So this leads me to my next questions: What is your favorite Android spin for your Pixel Device? --- I have used GrapheneOS, LineageOS, and Stock Android (of various versions on my Pro 7) This leads me down the rabbit hole of deciding which experience I want on my Pixel 8 Pro. --- I have GrapheneOS on my 8 Pro right now because I wanted to see if I could make it fit my needs, and I am leaning towards it not working for me. Since I switched, android auto is not connecting even following the instructions GrapheneOS has to offer. AdAway (nonroot) is not working on GrapheneOS, as it just kills any internet connection to everything on GrapheneOS. So that's another point against me wanting to stick with GrapheneOS. No AFwall+. Another point against it. --- It appears that CalyxOS is going to give me a similar experience with issues related to the ones I mentioned with GrapheneOS. -- I had considered trying out [LineageOS for microG](https://lineage.microg.org/) but unsure if this is the route I want to go because I am unsure if some of the apps I will rely on will work for various reasons. (Mainly unsure if MicroG will suffice for them.) --- I am open to other options to, and would love to hear what you are using! --- Thank you!

Thank you for the suggestion! However, I have used GrapheneOS. And I am a fan, and it could absolutely fulfil most of my needs. However there are a few things that it can’t accomplish for me unfortunately.

There are Magisk Modules I use that I couldn’t get loaded on GrapheneOS without massive hassle. I also don’t want to live without AdAway, App Manager,Pixel IMS, AFWall+, amongst other apps.

I ran GrapheneOS before they supported Android Auto, and for a while after they had put that in. I just don’t think it would exactly fit my current wants and needs.

As far as AdAway I totally understand that I could use a local VPN service to accomplish similar and block ads that way, however that would take away from my ability to connect to my home network and block ads.

I know my use case is rather fringe.

Any help is welcomed, so thank you!

LineageOS Inquiry
Hello! Longtime Android user here. I am currently using LineageOS 21 on my Pixel 7 Pro, however after rooting and running a few Magisk modules I have been having issues with overheating. So what I planned to do is build LineageOS myself, and use a custom kernel. One of these: * [Kirisakura](https://xdaforums.com/t/kernel-10-05-2024-android-14-0-0-stable-kirisakura_raviantah-2-2-4-for-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/) * [Sultan](https://xdaforums.com/t/kernel-a14-sultan-kernel-for-pixel-7-pro-a-may-12-2024.4623789/) * [Radioactive](https://xdaforums.com/t/kernel-radioactive-kernel-v2-1-6-a14-stable-16-05-2024-unified-pixel7-pixel7pro.4543551/) --- Some follow up questions: * Will this break using banking apps because of custom kernel? (even with Chiteroman's PIF, Zygisk, and Shamiko?) * However, I am unsure if I build LineageOS 21 with one of these custom kernels if I will be required to build each update with the custom kernel, or if the updater would update my build. --- I am open to suggestions on how to solve my thermal issues if anyone has any. Thank you! **Edit:** more questions

Legal windows keys aren’t $3. And not using windows Isn’t all about price. But you dont seem to get that I suppose.

No attack here. I’m not attacking you. I’m stating that you likely just dont hsve the knowledge on the topic.

I didnt read every comment here.

What issues are you having? What distro are tou using? Whst games aren’t working?

Any supporting details would help me potentially help you.

Not being able to run “most” games on Linux is a skill issue. If you wsnt to use windows fine, I won’t stop you. But you are spewing a bunch of anecdotal nonsense.

You want to use a subpar paid for OS with telemetry, ads, and to support a greedy corporation for your convenience; Thats your prerogative.

At least educate yourself before you speak on topics you lack greater understanding of.

I can use private DNS but I need the DNS records in my personally hosted VPN to access my other self hosted solutions. So my use case is niche.

Currently I run a rooted phone AdAway Wireguard AFWall+

I need apps split tunnel between my VPN and outside of it. Apps running through VPN need to have my DNS Where the other apps I still want ad-blocking

I’m afraid that won’t quite work for me due to needing my VPN on, and set for split tunneling.

If I had AdAway (root mode, not VPN mode) I would switch back to GrapheneOS

Yeah, I use AFWall+ and restrict granularly beyond just launcher.

I must block all network access to Nova.

AFWall+ to block internet connection to that among other apps is wonderful.

I wonder I’d its because of the systemless hosts magisk module that allows that without reboot. Dunno, I dont have to reboot even with changes made to my AdAway

I use it with root, disabling it and reenabling it doesn’t require me to reboot my phone…

AdAway, AFWall+, A-GPS SUPL Replacer, Pixel Tensor Audio Decompressor, Wireguard Command line tools, Termux and chroot capabikities, App Manager, Pixel IMS, SDMaid automation, and a number of other controls on how my phone works.

Its not for everyone.

To staty: GrapheneOS devs chose the Pixel line because of the Tensor chip (to my knowledge)

I have used both LineageOS and GrapheneOS. I like both for very different reasons. Whichever option you choose should depends on your usecase/needs.

I liied the idea of GrapheneOS and the privacy/securiry features it has. However, there were thing’s I missed about LineageOS. I don’t “need” root access, but i have it with LineageOS. I have it mainly for AdAway and a handful of Magisk modules.

Your mileage may vary. I suggest giving both a try if you don’t specifically know your usecase/needs.

Both have separate specific use cases I would argue.

Thank you for the suggestion. This keyboard seems great. Giving it a shot, though I think I am lost as to how to add glide typing. But I’ll read the github. Edit: Github had my answer.

I’d be interested in the bet, I just already use other messaging apps, and don’t want to get telegram just for Neo Launcher

Alternative to Nova Launcher
As the title states, I have used Nova launcher for years. As it is the most feature rich, most customizable launcher that supports basically everything I could need from it. However I am looking to switch away from it. What launchers are you all using? I have tried a handful of them and none quite fit the bill. And one feature nova has but no other launcher seems to is invaluable to me; that feature being able to swipe up or down on an app on the home screen to launch another app or task. It's how I keep my main page from being cluttered. I have tried [Neo Launcher](https://github.com/NeoApplications/Neo-Launcher) which I love, but it doesn't seem to be updated anymore. I have also tried: * [Kvæsitso](https://github.com/MM2-0/Kvaesitso) * [Kiss Launcher](https://kisslauncher.com/) * [Lunar Launcher](https://github.com/iamrasel/lunar-launcher) * [Trebuchet](https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Trebuchet) - I am on LineageOS 21 So the only option I am feeling is gonna work is Nova but I am trying to ditch as many closed source, data thieving apps and services as possible. I could however just use AFWall+ to block internet connection. Any suggestions?