Mostly kind chonky weirdo. Gentle nerd freak of the pacific north west. All nation states are vermin.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


I was just having a discussion with my family about recent union wins in the US, and when something good is a sign of how bad things must be. I suggested that there must be a german word for it, and my sister suggested maybe a chinese saying.

If you like the category of ‘things that sound like german has a word for it’, look into the 4-character chinese sayings called chengyu. One of my favourites is ‘Melon Patch, Under Plum’, meaning something that is completely innocent but should be avoided because it looks really sketchy. Don’t tie your shoes in a melon patch or fix your hat under a plum tree.

I read an article years ago, maybe like a decade ago, of some game industry person saying it was a cycle:

Incredible new graphics come out and people will buy the shiny regardless of anything else, then slowly they have to start making actually good games with those graphics to sell, then incredible new graphics come out and you don’t need to bother with story for a while.

That reading of the character makes sense and jives with how I connect with games I play. I’ll keep it in mind when I go back for a male playthrough - gonna have to romance panam eventually. Agreed choom!

Oh yeah, that’s a great point. I admit I stalled out of my male playthrough like 1/4 through, but for sure the voice acting felt lacking compared to female V, who really does a fantastic and job and sells every situation flawlessly. Now that you’ve mentioned it, it seems so obvious that that’s a huge part of the why female V is better.

I have 50+ hours and only minor graphic glitches. A couple dead bodies standing up, the odd piece of floating loot. Nothing that seriously detracts from the experience.

I’m ~3/4s through my second playthrough and appreciating it more and more. Haven’t picked up the expansion yet either.

I found it hits much harder with a female character. The Johnny Silverhand situation especially felt much more… metaphorically resonant? And Jackie feels more rogue-with-a-heart-of-gold when his best buddy is a woman.

Quickhacks are OP but felt correctly haxx0r, mantis blades are super fun. I enjoyed the combat well enough. Cars are meh, but it’s cyberpunk so if you’re not riding a futuristic bike ala Akira you’re doing it wrong. And wiping out on a bike is great.

The characterisation and world building are what really shine. I was reluctant to play the corpo background but it really makes the story sing.


The first time you’re in a car with Judy she has a prominent tattoo that says “underwater where thoughts can breathe”. Then next mission or a while later her apartment has jellyfish looking paint splotches and an aquarium. It’s expanded on more explicitly later, but I really enjoy the way they pull together their characters.

The scene with Takemura on the roof talking about Bakeneko is another moment that I enjoyed first playthrough and came to really appreciate a lot the second time. His food snobbery becomes quite endearing after he accidentally texts you his attempts to search for restaurants.

This article:

won’t sacrifice lore

Also this article:

“Throwing the Dune encyclopedia out – with the blessing from the Herbert estate – appears to have been a necessity, rather than something ego-driven.”


I friend of mine pointed out that SR4 could have easily been the best Matrix game ever. The physics and mechanics were all there, only the tone and plot were different.

Wolfenstein, in my dad’s office on his work computer while he was teaching.

Dad’s colleague: [sticks his head in the door] Hey, what are you doing?

Me: Killing Nazis with a Gatling gun.

Colleague: Oh, well that’s good [comes in to watch].

one of the better monetization schemes out there.

Let’s not let minor arguments about which is the lesser evil disguise the fact that they are all still evil.

I bought the base game alone, on sale, after phantom liberty and was very happy with it. I rarely finish games but played through to the end. The epilogue I got was really quite satisfying and while I was excited to try some of the other endings, haven’t gone back to it. It felt complete.

I’m still very pleased with the purchase.

I’m sure he did make games worse, but he also covered up for rapists and threatened to kill employees which seems maybe more headline worthy to me.

My thinking exactly. It’s Malibu Stacy, but she has a new hat. This is just a really silly ad for a new product.