Fault: 0x32 Debug Err Code: 00000000 RIP: 0001BFF4:Panic+0x002E RSP: 00FFB908

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Isopropyl alcohol (99% is the good stuff), maybe 2-4 cotton swabs, air dry. Dip swab, rub contacts softly, flip sides of cart, rub, cycle swab, repeat. I had no idea for so many years I was actually damaging the cartridges by blowing into them which just put hot air and moisture on dust. If you have any Switch cartridges or older, and haven’t done a proper cleaning, it’s amazing how shiny and vibrant the contacts will end up looking, along with the cartridge working more stably.

Unknown Horizons. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unknown_Horizons Its free, and has a fun gameplay cycle and UI. The game engine the old version used is outdated and it’s undergoing a slow Godot rewrite to modernize it. I’ve spent at least a hundred hours playing it, it’s a lot of fun and keeps things simple but strategic.

It’d be great for him to manage to pull a rabbit out of his trick hat and make another legend again. Some of his older games are absolute gems, but I wasn’t astonished by The Trail: Frontier Challenge which lowered my expectations for his future works. Hopefully his next not-Fable is a fun experience worth playing that brings some solid gameplay to the table.

All of the games in the Tribes series, my personal favorites being Tribes Ascend and Aerial Assault. Tribes had a play style similar to Halo but with a movement more like Unreal along with a touch of ‘surfing’ over land and some jetpacks. They’re all great fun and still fun for me to play today. IIRC, the last game’s official online servers are no longer active, but there is a community following for Tribes Ascend that helps keep the game alive and updated, look up TribesLauncherSharp and TAMods for more info if interested. I backed up the disc I have for Tribes Aerial Assault to an ISO and it works great in PCSX2. With 1080p/4K rendering, extra graphics options, wide-screen patches, and controller customization it’s way easier to play than originally on composite CRT with a Dualshock.

Open Street Maps. It has some gaps or missed addresses/neighborhoods/roads because it is built on contributions of volunteers.