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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


This shit is somewhat agreeable now, because Pal World is so similar, but once this door is opened, it’s never going to let developers have the freedom to invent and innovate, because crusty old bullies want to use the legal system to punish anyone that dares resemble 2-3 decade old game mechanics.

Should platformer games pay royalties to Nintendo for having the first character to jump twice it’s height?

Video game companies rent seeking for “game mechanics patents” on old shit is just ironically anti fun.

I kind of did the opposite. I assumed the change would be negligible or in the customer’s benefit based on Valve’s track record. I hope this never changes.

I know a generally wonderful human being, taking care of his disabled parents, scraping by at a manufacturing job. He is hardcore against unions, says that he can negotiate for himself.

We’re fucked.

If you have any interest in playing a good Pokemon game, Pokemon Legends Arceus is excellent. Palword may be just a bit better, but if you have a lingering nostalgia and a desire for some fresh and well executed mechanics in the Pokemon universe, PLA slaps.

I would love to see Valve allow refunds. This was not an agreed upon stipulation at the time of purchase. If they pull the game from you now so soon after purchase, is it not grounds for a refund? Give Sony the choice to backtrack or lose money.

Already out my man, it’s called Palworld, and it’s great.

As pessimistic as it sounds, I think you’re right. There’s likely some back pay they will have to give to the workforce they fired, which is a pittance compared to what they stand to earn as they milk their purchase dry.