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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


That’s the main reason I haven’t bothered upgrading mine any more.
100mbits with 3ms latency is pretty rocking.

Because if they remaster it, they can also remaster the price.
Which is probably why they’ve pulled all the old versions.

Does he also do that thing where people buy out a company using debt loaded onto the company they’re buying?

Mike Ashley didn’t actually want a game shop, he wanted people spending £70 on each football/COD release, then buying that season’s team strip on the way out of the shop.

Hopefully, someone is sitting on a root workaround, and will reveal it once the updates stop.

I’d buy a second hand one, if there was a way to use it without any meta involvement.

Interesting how Microsoft is keen for the transaction to be in their coins. I don’t play on PS, but is it a similar situation?

Maybe they just wanted to make the URL pretty, without those spooky % characters!

I am really looking forward to playing it now.
I’ve given myself a list of “grown-up-tasks” I have to finish before I’m allowed to, however.

Me too man. I had two GH kits and a RB one. Never used them, they gathered dust, then eventually they went in the bin.
They were just so bloody bulky.

I did manage to keep two GHWT guitars and the microphone, thankfully.

I’ve done voice acting before, and honestly, you’re right on the money.
So many people don’t even notice if the voice work in a piece of media is good/bad.
Playing one game, several of the main characters sound like they were recorded in completely different rooms.
And I’m sat here like a mug with a deadened setup, wondering why I bothered.

When that little detail is paid, I can see games absolutely jumping on the machine generated bandwagon.

Honestly, less budget, more just not spending money that I don’t need to. From what others are saying, I think I might just get the base game at £25 when it’s next that on GOG, then get the DLC down the line.

Should I continue waiting for Cyberpunk?
Currently, I'm waiting for a sale that puts the base game and phantom liberty at around £25. Am I being a bit silly? Is it worth picking up the next time GOG do a sale for around £38? Edit: I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has responded with useful information, and opinions on the game. I think I may treat myself next time the base game is £25 (and I have a weekend to play!)

The important question: “Is HouseParty still prohibited?”

Well hold your horses there for a second.
Crunchyroll worked very well in the XBMC addon, before they C&D’d it for no good reason.

I’m hoping this settles the second hand market a little.
Far too many people expecting to get rrp (or more!) because the stock availability is finicky on the new ones. (When in reality, if you want one, you can get one, just need to follow the discord)