Yeah satellite sos is such an underrated feature. It seems like nothing until you need it. I almost had to use it yesterday when I was mountain biking up around the CO/WY border miles away from anything and no cell service. I crashed and the first thought as I hit the ground was “if I break anything I’m fucked out here” until I remembered I have the satellite SOS. Luckily I was alright, just tweaked my wrist and scraped up my arm pretty good. Was able to finish the ride back to the car.
But I would have absolutely been fucked without it if something happened.
Oh no, I don’t trust Google at all. The only Google product I use is gmail and that’s just because it’s too convenient.
And you haven’t disagreed with me. You’ve just talked around it. You directly agreed with me in fact. Other companies absolutely pay top dollar for it. They pay Google to serve ads to people because Google has access to that data.
That’s literally Google’s business. Google is an ad company. Everything else they do is to support their advertising business. The entire pixel line is Google selling hardware to keep people in the Android ecosystem to collect data so that Google can sell ads.
They pay billions to keep Google search the default search engine on all of Android, Apple (Mac and iPhone), and windows, so they can collect data and sell ads.
Google is an ad company. Period. They don’t sell your data. It’s more valuable for them to know because they sell the damn ads. They have built their empire on being the sole proprietors of that info.
Buying data that Google doesn’t own is such a huge market because of the hold Google has on the market. You can only advertise according to Google’s terms and they’re relatively expensive. For the vast majority of legit companies, Google is the easiest platform as long as you’re also advertising on Facebook and other industry specific sites.
If you’re an unscrupulous group, then abiding by rules isn’t in your motto anyway so you need to build your own algorithms based on data that you can’t collect from a captive audience. So you buy it from the companies that do collect a ton of data.
Google doesn’t sell your data though. That would completely kill their business which is selling ads.
They collect all that data so they can position themselves as the best ad service since they can target ads based on that info.
If they sold the data, then anyone bought it would just use it to target people without paying Google to do so.
Google doesn’t have a program for that, and they’ve already said accidental damage isn’t covered by warranty.
So if you crack your screen, it’s entirely on you to just buy a full new one. You could turn it in for recycling, sure. But that wouldnt go be be refurbished. Most companies don’t do their own refurbishment, and the pixel watch does not any parts available to it outside of manufacture.
I assume you mean Apple there instead of Android? I got rid of Android because I wanted less Google in my life.
Sure Apple collects some data, but comparing them to Google is like comparing a broom to an industrial vacuum. Apple doesn’t collect nearly the same amount of data and makes privacy features much more integrated with the phone. With the advanced data protection, virtually everything is end to end encrypted where they don’t even have the keys, including iCloud.
It’s not perfect at all, but of the two OSs, I’ll take iOS every day.
Yeah I opened a ticket a month before my warranty was up. My battery meter kept going to just a ? and not doing anything. After a while of fucking around with settings, and going back and forth between beta and release versions of android (which google said it was my own problem for being on their beta in the first place), I just got tired of it.
I was able to factory reset it and get it to stay on a battery percentage for long enough at the store to trade it in and I was do0ne. After I traded it, Google finally emailed me back saying it was a known battery issue but since I was out of warranty it would cost me a $250 charge to fix. A slap in the face.
Personally, after being on Android since the first Motorola droid and switching to iPhone a few years ago with the 12, I wouldn’t move back to Android at all.
I had Motorola for a while, then the LG g series for a bit, then galaxies until the s8, and then a pixel 4xl.
Google pissed me off with their warranty and support. My pixel had the internal battery cable fuck off and they wouldn’t repair it even though they acknowledged it was design fault. Because I was one week out of warranty.
I hated Samsungs bloatware, Lg was gone, Motorola was pretty nonexistent, and I didn’t want a Chinese owned brands like one+, oppo, or Huawei.
So Apple was pretty much it. I got a regular iPhone 12, and everything I wanted to do was easier than Android. Apple had a built in app for it without me having to fuck around with side loading or installing third party apps.
Android is undoubted better for customization and if you love having extremely fine grained control over your phone. Plus the benefit of being able to side load completely different loads of Android. You have MUCH more control over your environment than an iPhone.
Personally, I don’t give a shit about that. I do that shit at work 60 hours a week. For my personal devices I just want the shit to work. I also want Google in my life as little as possible.
I mean, Google can sure try lol. Pixels make up like 1% of market share. If they cut off Android from everyone else, they would fall completely out in no time.