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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


That’s also because they deleted thousands of negative reviews. I think the numbers was like 7,400? 7.5? There’s a review talking about it.

Just like a movie theater, people are used to 24fps in a movie and anything else makes it seem weird and less dreamlike to transport them into the world. (But games aren’t 24fps movies, I know. Not the point)

When you clean up all of the visual post processing, the game will look extremely clean. Which makes it feel like it’s missing some kinda extra polish. People are so used to all of these elements added for a grounded and dirtier experience that without them it looks, and more importantly, feels too game-y for Ubisoft. (Counter-Strike is super clean, for example)

Look at Resident Evil 2 Remake and you see every single cinematic option in the book, down to lens distortion, being used and being able to be turned off in the settings. It’s the look and feel the studio wants to go for.

Nah, literally played Goldeneye at a party yesterday and it’s still damn fun! We also played Smash 64 AFTER Ultimate and had fun too!

SBMM has the fatal flaw of expecting players to want to constantly improve with every match. Sometimes we want to play to relax, but that’s never on its mind.

While true, I feel like games that work well on the Xbox Series S also work well on Steam Deck and when it comes to porting games to PC, those ones specifically are ported well.

All this power game developers have been getting, while great for creative endevours, has been either a waste of space or require outrageous specs just to perform normally. And some great games are bogged down by this while relying on upscaling methods to fill in the difference.

Either way, we’ve reached a point where more power and space isn’t the solution anymore to better games. Can only hope new tech gets better optimized.

Combat was the incredible highlight of this game.

Seeing most of the fixes go towards that instead of immersion kinda… You’d think they highlight those immersive aspects more. The mods are sure as hell all about immersion including working stock markets and such.

Either both platforms restricted Passes to harder validation after Cyberpunk 2077 or XDefiant is BUGGIER than Cyberpunk 2077

Sadly, yeah. A lot of team moved to Gravity Well to start something new.

Well even if the software is functional, the underlying OS doesn’t support it in ways that are important. Like suspend and resuming games. Then when Windows can have a random update, the extra software may break or run into serious problems until the devs can get an update up for it as fast as they can on reaction. Nvidia STILL commonly runs into these problems with just Gpu updates. Things always break and they gotta have multiple versions of stability going and staying on top of updates for the latest games.

In other words, nobody has a problem with Windows until Windows suddenly spawns one for them to have for seemingly no reason and at the worst times. The more Beta the software is, the more commonly this happens.

I do gotta say those controllers may finally be a replacement for Joycon on PC. They look great!

Honestly in the indie area, it’s not recent, but Blade Kitten. Spotted that on Steam and remembered having fun with it on my Xbox 360 long ago. Real cheap at 3$.

But I need to finish more indie games First! So it will be a reward once I finish Protodroid Delta. Which would’ve been a lot easier if it had cloud support so I could play it on my Steam Deck without restarting the game, but nooo

Remnant 2 is brilliant at this and bad at this at the same time! The in-world stories that are told along with the environments are absolutely STUNNING! Everything clicks together so well and a slightly different story is told when re-rolling the map!

Main story cutscenes tell the worst story I’ve ever seen executed. (Worse than Monster Hunter World’s Handler story stuff) I’m glad they’re skippable on another run. Because literally everything is is some of the most classic gaming experience one could have.

I was hoping they’d focus on world immersion stuff. Like 90% of the mods do.

Man. Ever since Seer, Respawn has been OBSESSED with adding abilities that highlight enemies through walls. A massive turn off for me personally and I stopped playing the game. Now that it seems literally everyone has one in some form of context, I wonder just what the hell Apex has even become?

Right off the bat I can tell you it’s like Metroid and Celeste had a baby with a grappling hook system. It also has controller support! Story just drops you in the middle of things which is… An odd choice but I guess it’s a piecing together kind of thing. Charming music as well.

I can’t imagine how hard it was to connect together the sparse stories of Overwatch into a whole show.

But it does suck that all the hype is blown out the window due to how mismanaged this IP was. I hope the anime at least does OK so that Blizzard can use the medium for future projects.

I think the difference here is that we know the interface and trusted developer choices of those apps.

I’m currently using Connect for Lemmy right now and I’m still excited for Sync because I’ve used it for years.

But each update for Connect so far has been extremely good with quite a few features added. It’s also incredibly straightforward to use. So at this point I’m curious how Sync will step into the ring.

Hell, it could have all the same features as Connect, but add previewing with a hold and that’d be an amazing thing for compressing posts. But also Sync can cater to left-handed people like me with its customization.

Protodroid Delta, Rusted Moss, Roboquest, The Last Tinker.

Been feeling like going for the nostalgia platformed stuff lately!