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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 27, 2023


I did the same when I was playing WoW a long time ago, watching stuff while doing mining routes and whatnot. But to be fair, I was doing it because the game itself was a drudgery that I got skinnerboxed into playing and pretending I was enjoying.

So I ask this to you: is the game you are playing not entertaining enough, that you have to watch something with it in order to feel entertained? If so, why not play something else that captures your whole attention? It’s your time, shouldn’t you be spending it with things you actually enjoy?

This, how people can find watching more entertaining than playing is beyond me. I tried watching people play my favourite games on twitch to see what it was like, I got bored out of my brains in minutes.

The closest I can do is watching gameplay videos on youtube, from people who do extremely creative things that inspire me for future playthroughs - but even then.

To y’all watching streams: I’m not judging you, you do you. I just don’t understand you.

I’m with you as a Linux user but let’s be real, Linux support has an abysmal ROI: you put a lot of effort for less than a 1% increase in sales, it’s a no brainer.

One of the gifts that valve gave to the Linux ecosystem is having freed developers from the Linux burden. They just make windows games and voila for the most part they run on Linux. They spend less money, we get more games - win/win.

There are a bunch of games that had half-baked Linux ports and got so much better once you could just run the main build through proton, it doesn’t make sense to push developers to go back to native.

I can understand smuggled hardware, but it’s not like Russians can buy their localized App Store in India… it would be much more helpful if they weren’t running it there, as the smuggled iPhones would be just bricks

Wait apple is still operating in Russia? Weren’t we sanctioning them or something?

Did anybody in the comments read the article? Rhetorical question

The article defines “live service game” as a game receiving regular updates for years, a definition which includes worldwide favourites like the Witcher 3 or BG3.