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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Midnight Club was my absolute jam back in the mid oughts, loved the shit out of that game. Kinda got away from the Arcade style racers, but that game has a special place for me.

Oh yeah, I wouldn’t cheat if I were playing with other humans, but sometimes I want to explore depths of a game that time just doesn’t permit, so I gotta skip the grind and get right to the part where I’m unkillable. And yeah, if you’re having fun, that is the point!

Play the games how you want to have fun, and anyone who says otherwise is dead wrong. I’ve dabbled in “cheating” myself, whether it’s giving myself 60 pts for starting traits in Zomboid, or building really unbalanced maps in AoE II and preventing the computers from ever advancing, it’s fun to sometimes modify the rules to benefit me unilaterally.

You hit the nail on the head for me. I tried to like this game, but it felt lackluster time and again. And I enjoyed Fallout NV and to a lesser degree 4. Outer Worlds just did not do it for me.

I preferred the Little Mermaid, the Ugly Duckling, and of course the Emperor’s New Groove, but his commentary on graphics in Starfield is also a compelling work.

Are you referring to the genitals or more generally?