So, most of my recommendations are going to be FPS or first person. For Valve related stuff:
As for non-Valve games and related:
I’d be surprised if they had net positive income on Tribes 3. A lot of veteran gamers of the series saw who was really running development and decided to stay away. Once bitten, twice shy. The writing was on the wall that it was a dead game back in June.
Embracer treats studios like they are disposable. They killed Volition (Saint’s Row), Free Radical (TimeSpltters) plus a bunch of other studios. All of that was because their $2 billion deal with the Saudi Government fell through. Some studios managed to escape when one of the Saber Interactive original owners bought back a bunch of studios. They recently killed Pieces Interactive (Alone in the Dark).
If a studio is owned by Embracer, they are lucky if they will be around in 5 years.
Bluetooth has one of the largest network stacks. It’s bigger than Wifi. This means some parts of the stack probably aren’t tested and may have bugs or vulnerabilities. It has duplicate functionality in it. This opens up the possibility that flaws in how different parts interact could lead to vulnerabilities or exploits.
A number of years ago some security researchers did an analysis of the Windows and Linux stacks. They found multiple exploitable vulnerabilities in both stacks. They called their attack blue borne, but it was really a series of attacks that could be used depending on which OS you wanted to target. Some what ironically, Linux was more vulnerable because the Linux kernel implemented more of the protocol than Windows.
So basically, Saber and all studios under Saber won’t have to worry about suffering the same fate as Volition did under Embracer. Maybe?
This is an FYI for any Tribes: Ascend fans. Tribes 3 is basically being developed and published by Hi-Rez 2.0. Prophecy Games is a spin off of Hi-Rez Studio and is run by the owner.
For those not familiar with the history of T:A, Hi-Rez released the game as free-to-play, had some of the grindiest of grinds (took forever to unlock the spinfusor for just one class), and a monetization plan that was targeting whales. There were balancing issues that needed to be addressed, promised features left undeveloped like competitive, and they basically abandoned the game within a year. They moved their developers over to Smite while things degraded leaving the player base salty AF. You’ll have to visit that other site for the history, but this is probably a good starting point. And I can’t forget that the CEO never took responsibility for their horrible monetization plan.
Now I would hope that Hi-Rez Prophecy would have learned from their mistakes because Tribes is one of those games I hold a special place for. However, they released a pair of day 1 DLCs that each costs more than the game itself.
In a statement posted to Steam, developer Shiny Shoe said […]
What a sloppy and lazy article. They don’t even bother linking to the statement from the devs. Seriously, that would have taken less then 1 minute to add.
You can use ruffle to play flash games. ActionScript 2 support is pretty good. ActionScript 3 is kinda hit or miss.
GTFO with some caveats.
It’s bloody good fun, but you need a good group for it.
A Shelter Full of Cats I’m a sucker for any game from Devcats.