There is no mention at all of any payment for the summer intern in the article. Shouldn’t be a surprise, really.
Whole article about how massive success stories are one legal battle away from not being made in this country, as well as the exploitation of workers’ other skills without additional (if any) compensation. They completely miss that angle on the story somehow.
And there are millions of people lining up for jobs that suck that LITTLE to work at. That is how our world functions. It chews people up and spits them out.
Funny how much we hear about it in the video game industry, but every school closure loses teachers. Every hospital lay off looses nurses. Every time capitalism grinds people into dust, those people are dust now.
1 + 1 = 2 _ increase of 1
2 + 1 = 3 _ increase of 1
3 × 3 = 9 _ 3 times more
You need both modifiers to reach the max potential because 3 times 1 is only three, but by have two increase by 1 you end up with 9!
That is how the increased and more work.
The crazy part is when you do X fire damage which critical hits for y% more damage with z increased damage and a multipled damage. Also you have b % more burning damage and increased burning damage and ailment % increased damage and so forth. ;)