• 6 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


I loved this game. Puzzles that I felt I needed to understand the plot and culture to solve, made the world so much more alive.

Orbital Potato is one of my favorite channels to keep up on management/factory/strategy games. He usually covers one game at a time and tons more of them than I can keep up with, so I was happy to see which ones turned out to be favorites. :) Cataclismo I have played, and its honking brilliant, but the others are new to me. Rogue Command and Diplomacy is Not an Option look really interesting.

Rimworld! For me it is right after Factorio in playtime list if I filter out idle or semi-idle games.

Factorio for me. Steam has 3000 hours logged, but I played it for ages before getting Steam version so really no idea. Estimating 4000 hours total.

One day I will pick that game up for the 8th time and actually finish it.

Yep. Literally copied in full from ChatGPT output.

Your assumptions are too honest. Try “non-apology” and see if it is closer.

edit: I took the above prompt but added “do not admit to any wrongdoing”, and got a more believable letter

Subject: A Message to Our Gaming Community

Dear Gamers,

We wanted to take a moment to address recent events and share our heartfelt thoughts with you. We understand that some of our actions may have had an impact on platforms you value deeply, and we recognize the passion and creativity that make this community so extraordinary.

While it’s not our place to dive into specifics, we want to assure you that your voices matter to us. As a company, we’re constantly learning and striving to support the vibrant ecosystems that make gaming so special.

To those who may feel disappointed or frustrated, we hear you. Your passion is why we do what we do, and we remain committed to delivering the experiences you love.

Thank you for sticking with us and for continuing to be part of this journey. We appreciate your feedback, your creativity, and your unwavering support as we work to do better.

[Your Company]
An Intern in HR Who Definitely Wrote This Alone

Agree, though I would not use the word “decent” about BrandShield or Funko. Being harmfully lazy and immoral legally and according to contract is still harmfully lazy and immoral.

Yeah good ones allegedly last 200 years if stored correctly. Cheap ones are 5-10. 20 can be expected for quality CDs stored correctly.

But no matter the claimed quality, it’s a gamble. Our local library had a lot of 10-20 year old CDs that had developed microbubbles.

5 years is low range for CDs, but common enough that you should be taking backups for anything you keep longer.

True, with some modifications:

Some games had online activation built in. Some games would simply not install on a second or third machine without getting permission from the publisher.

Regular CDs have a lifespan of 5-10 years, shorter if not stored ideally. Almost all games had sophisticated mechanisms to prevent backups being taken.

Even if you could take a backup, record associations and publishers lobbied to make it illegal and punishable by severe fines in many countries.

Sony shipped fucking root kits on their CD that would hijack your PC and screw with backup software. EA shipped CDs with autoexexuting software that would actually delete CloneCD and other CD copying software and prevent new installes from working. My copy of Sims 2 came with that bullshit and OH MAN I was not happy about it.

Yessss, that was an embarrassing omission in my list.

My bank: “We have a new valuation on your home! Open your app to see it!”

“It’s down 2%!”

Fair! But why “Pirates!” but not Civilization? Formally, they are all named with the prefix.

  • Satisfactory
  • Starcraft / 2
  • Slay the Spire
  • Saints Row
  • Sam & Max (tons)
  • Serious Sam
  • Scribblenauts
  • Shadowrun
  • Shadow Warrior
  • Shapez / 2
  • Shovel Knight
  • Skyrim
  • Soma
  • Slay the Princess
  • Space Engineers
  • Spelunky
  • Sid Meyer’s Everything
  • Stanley Parable, the
  • Stardew Valley
  • Stronghold Crusaders
  • Subnautica
  • Sunless Sea
  • Sonic (all)
  • Super Mario (everything)
  • Superhot
  • Super Meatboy
  • Surviving Mars

DragonBox have been excellent. Been a few years and ownership changes since I looked at their games, so hopefully they haven’t enshittened.

Skyrim is ported to RealityV3. It is still buggy. Hackers have successfully run Doom on a hydrogen atom. Gamers are shitting and yelling that someone put a Martian as a playable character in Red Dead Redemption MCMVII.

The laws of captialism entropy:

Any organization that sees success will attract profit-driven leadership, and will become such over time. The soul from the original founders will be watered down, dampened, or ejected.

A profit-driven organization will over time become more and more profit-seeking, never less. Once this reaches a certain threshold, we start to use phrases like “enshittification”. Valve hasn’t gone shit yet imho, but their soul and passion doesn’t seem to lie in games anymore.

The next excellent product comes from new, growing organizations or small teams that may grow into such.

It is best to just treat it as any other law of nature and so we move on from Blizzard, Google, EA, Valve, Epic Games, Unity, etc and go swim in the wonderful vibrant indie scene.

It’s playable and you can enjoy the game, but 30FPS is embarrassing. It makes me feel like I’m a kid playing on a PC assembled out of old leftover components. Which was tolerable when I was a cashless kid playing pirated games on inherited frankenPCs, but it feels so wrong when playing a bought game on its intended spec hardware.

Been playing it a few hours. So far the tactical part feels very similar to Fights in Tight Spaces but more forgiving. Puzzly, lots of interactions with environment.

The writing is really well done and the humor and tone are wonderful in the way only brits can do it.

There is something about an out-of-work elite strike team having to rely on public transport and using the lead wizard’s mom’s apartment for HQ while they are still taking everything seriously.

A bit of both! RTS games are fun as practice-repeat challenges when I have enough free time to game while I have a bit of energy. Turn based are good any time. :)

Doom, Star Citizen, Solitaire, Pac-Man, Manor Lords, Elite Dangerous, Star Stable

Postmortem link doesn’t work for me. Any alternatives?

Satisfactory 1.0 AND Factorio Space Age same fall?

Might have to ask my wife to get a second job so I can take a two month vacation.

Tomato Way is a true wonder

LoadingReadyRun’s “watch+play” series could be worth a look. Not strict reviews, but entertaining videos based on terrible games.


AI generated site that re-hosts an existing game.

Example of clearly AI drivel, the instruction for the player to “explain your answer”

It’s so funny to be reminded of that period in the 90s where any first person game was described as a “DOOM clone”, because DOOM itself was the first FPS that hugely took off.

Assume I’m a psychopath C-level executive. Why would I spend huge resources on a success that earns money when I can earn money on fifty screwups instead?

“You can now get multiple pets (after getting max hearts with your starter pet).”

“You can now place hats on cats and dogs.”

I have a goal for my next playthrough

Youtube channel “Second Wind” has excellent indie game coverage.

They do “Bytesized” for short reviews of new games. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUBKwq0XD0uesOmUb2GTsc6rVp0mILcOY&si=lB8ZOIy3hraaMyG6

Also they have “Hidden Gem” where they stream an older indie game that went under their radar.

Plus most of their other stuff is pretty on the indie pulse.

Antichamber - clever first person puzzle game. I played it exactly once and I loved it.

When you say “apply to the closed beta”, where do you want people to apply?

I think it’s clear, but discussion here and other places indicate it’s not immediately clear.

I don’t see the problem.

That’s fine. I was providing context for the otherwise confusing claim that the curator was de-recommending games.

Ah, they’ve changed it. Yes, I see same as you.

This was also reported on during the weekend, and when I looked into it then they had the Sweet Baby Inc logo with a big “forbidden” slashed red circle over it.

This was the last Cold Take that Frost made for The Escapist/Gamur. After being stuck a few weeks due to nobody left at The Escapist knowing how and where to publish already finished videos, they released it and a few others today. For those who followed the recent Escapist news, this episode appears inadvertently prescient. Note that he still continues the series on https://www.youtube.com/@SecondWindGroup

The Escapist murica-fires Editor-in-Chief - loses Yahtzee Croshaw and entire video team in hours
Fired or resigned, extremely incomplete list: - Nick Calandra - Editor-in-Chief - Yahtzee Croshaw - Zero Punctuation, Adventure is Nigh, Extra Punctuation - Jack Packard - Adventure is Nigh - Amy Campbell - Adventure is Nigh, 3 Minute Reviews - KC Nwosu - Adventure is Nigh, 3 Minute Reviews - Jesse Galena - Adventure is Nigh, 3 Minute Reviews - Sebastian Ruiz - Cold Take, Stuff of Legend - JM8 - Editor, Design Delve - Darren Moody - Columnist - Marty Sliva - 3 Minute Review IP of Zero Punctuation belongs to Escapist, so that is dead as of now.

Yay, it's not dead!