New account since went down, other @Deebster
s are available.
I just replayed Little Inferno after something reminded me about it and I noticed there was a DLC released (in late 2022).
It’s a sandbox puzzle game where you burn stuff in your fireplace and try to find combos. There’s slightly more to it, but really just stuff that’s there to stop you buying + burning everything at once and insta-completing the game.
The DLC adds a new catalogue and more combos; if you’re replaying you don’t need to replay the main game too as it just adds to that (with a few changes).
There’s a whole channel that kinda answers this! Girlfriend Reviews started as a channel where the presenter reviewed what it was like to live with someone that played games - i.e. how good it was to watch someone else play. She’s started playing some of the games herself lately, but the point still stands.
In a recent video Should Your Boyfriend Play Spider-Man 2? she says it’s
the best game to watch someone else play this year
(at which point I paused to go find this post and see if anyone else had posted this channel already).
I had a “T-Mobile MDA Vario II” (HTC TyTN 300) which was similar, and also had a collapsible stylus which lived in a little hole on the bottom. It was Windows Mobile, but it was great having the keyboard fully accessible (without that extra bottom bit the G1 had).
It looked like this, just less German: