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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Frostpunk 2 released and is pretty solid. Maybe not for everyone but it’s a full title release I believe

I don’t know how I feel about this game getting an award in Early Access. But it feels weird.

I have nothing against EA I played several ea games including this one, but this is getting closer and closer to the norm.

Thank you, I wonder how smooth that is going to pay on a controller.

What’s the new movement system in this one?

I didn’t say automated bands based on reports. Yeah those lead to harassment and abuse. Obviously not a good case for automation.

But injecting code into the game with a 3rd party client could be automated if detected. That’s what i meant by automated bans.

What was said wasn’t an insult. “Your momma…” are jokes, “you suck do bad…” are insults. Tbagging a dead body is an insult.

Implying you are going to rape someone and then saying it’s not rape because you would enjoy it isn’t a typical “insult”.

So yeah i read what they said. It just didn’t really apply to the situation.

I 100% agree with enough mutes/blocks leading to a manual thing.

Automated bans are not great but they have a time and place. Theoretically they are getting better.

My point is something should be done about these things. I don’t have the answers, but something needs to be done.

Her saying she isn’t going to mute him doesn’t give him the go ahead to say the things he did.

Could this be a publicity stunt? Sure. Does any of this make what he said ok? No

Did you even listen to what was said? Insults are one thing but alluding to rape and then saying it’s not rape if the rapist enjoys it. Is on a whole different level of depravity.

The problem is you know you have to mute them/ block them after they say/ do something bad to you. When you block them it may stop them from doing that to you but it doesn’t stop them from doing it to others on the game. Making it a bad experience for others.

Mute/personal blocks do not fix the root problem which is the toxic players being toxic in the game.

Connect for lemmy has gotten better now that i can hide posts without interacting with them.