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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2023


Like previous iterations, it has pvp but no one plays because there’s no incentive to do so.

Sorry, re-read what you wrote and it obv makes sense. Not sure how I missed it before, but yes, that makes perfect sense.

I don’t know what the jobs and kids have to do with anything, but there is quite a bit of boredom involved with this one. I am still enjoying playing through the classes and messing with builds and aspects, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of endgame focus yet (nm dungeons get old quick) and the story is sooooo uninteresting. Which is a shame, cuz Lilith is very well done.

It’s still remarkably better than d3 was at release.

Solo, I agree. Co-op, is a far more enjoyable experience.

So far, it feels like this game is far less about leveling and much more about the Paragon board

Not yet. I finished the game about 6 months ago and I’m in the middle of another game. I’ll probably give it a go though sometime in the near future

I read all about the bugs and problems upon release, but waited to play on the Ps5 and I had a blast. Thought it was a great game!

And when it’s all said and done, we just have to wait, on our knees, for the trickle down Yay! Unfettered Capitalism working just as intended.

Did you actually read the original post?

I thought Blizz went all in to shut down private servers, and that’s how Classic was born?

GW2 seems to be the answer. I played it briefly when I had more time and it was fun af.

For an ex-Wow addict from vanilla through WoD, would you mind eli5 what’s the deal with private servers and how the work?

For starters, I said strange. Frighteningly strange, not scary. Secondly, the kids goes off unhinged about how D4 sucks and everyone should play BG3. Being a HUGE fan of both franchises, not only was he being a reductive asshole, but as I pointed out they aren’t even worth comparing. The two are completely different genres.

Then he doubles down on how either they aren’t or they are but it doesn’t matter (sorry. “semantics” wasn’t specifc enough) and goes off on some unfounded tirade about Blizzards practices and how he feweels Blizzard needs to shape the most successful aarpg of all time like Larian.

Not to mention this post has nothing to do with Baldur’s Gate. It was about people cheating in the first season of D4…

I can continue if you like?

it’s one thing to have an opinion and it’s another thing entirely to believe it’s the only correct opinion

He said without a hint of irony

BRUH, one is an dungeon crawling loot focused aarpg. The other, a hybrid real-time strategy based rpg, almost the closest thing to a digital pen and paper tabletop.

Having played d2, D3, d2 redux, d4, bg, bg2, and icewind dale, what are you talking about?? They couldn’t be any different

Blizzard just has to be like Larian, release a feature complete singleplayer game with the ability to play multiplayer

Do they though? Diablo is the most successful loot crawling aarpg of all time.

No need for battlepasses, or $30 skins,

If it’s all cosmetic and doesn’t influence gameplay, why care?

And let’s just compare two games that have absolutely nothing in common 🙄

That was the most frustrating for sure. I could deal with the fact that it was literally an exact clone, down to the model of the health and mana globes. Or no “real” story, or cgi. Or a skill tree that was just ridiculous size.

But the inventory management. Fuck. The WHOLE game is about loot, and you are almost punished for collecting due to limitations of space. Couldn’t deal with it.

i mean, not that self righteous nor nonsense when the joke is literally a large portion of us are aware that blizzard is a shite corrupt company with shite corrupt money grab tactics, specializing in hyping shit up and then letting people down while not giving a fuck.

No, your “joke” was about people throwing away money on a bad game while you laughed because of how much smarter you are that you didn’t buy. Everything about that is self-righteous, and nothing about how shitty Blizzard is as a company. They’re internal politics and subsequent lawsuit are evident to everyone, not just a LaRgE pOrTiOn oF Us. But guess what, they still put out games that millions enjoy. And waaay more people like d4 than don’t. Its a fun game. And nothing is locked behind pay walls. Nothing about it is a CorRuPt MoNeY GrAb; any money spent is purely on cosmetics and is 100% optional

better still, people just shell out that money to be let down time and time again, and lo, the complaints will start, the articles get fired up, and we have nice again enter into the blizzard cycle of of disappointment.

Again, that’s your weird take. Plenty of people like their games.

i put them on fucking watch

You’re an absurd almost cartoon like character

with the shit they were doing for cataclysm.

I played Cata. It was probably their worst expansion, but I can’t recall anything that warranted keyboard warriors to be put on watch lol

diablo 3 had a strong start but was overall meh.

Are you playing these have from a parallel universe?? D3 start was abysmal! From shitty servers, to that horribly ill thought out real money auction house, to just poor decision after poor decision being implemented, to the whole comminity calling for Jay Wilson’s head. That game got remarkably better years later after both Jay and that shitty AH were removed

diablo mobile was a super obvious money grab.

Yes. Embarrassingly so.

and now tadaaaaaa diablo, and tadaaa lackluster promises and pay traps.

What pay traps? You’re just taking out of your ass

and people bitching about it.

People bitch about everything. Look at you lol. Your whole take is warped, and you’re just trying to defend your “I’m smarter than everyone else” comment. Blizz has a track record of putting out good games, and fixing issues to bad roll outs, most everything they produce is available to all players, charging only for games, subs, and cosmetics. Not pay to win, no loot boxes, no gambling. (Minus that shit mobile game). And all your bitching and you havent even played it- just feeding off the negativity you can scrape from the internet

They aren’t any more predatory than any other big game firm, and far less than others like EA.

AB is known for being a shit place to work, hostile work environments, low pay, and a multitude of sexual harassment suits. They’re a shit company.

I don’t get the joke

That’s because it’s not funny. It’s just self-righteous nonsense.

Big fan, been co-oping with my best friend just like we did with D3 and D2. And I feel no need to buy any of the cosmetics or passes, and we’re having a blast every night. That’s silly to you, lol?? Cool cool cool.