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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


Do you like all the trek? I thought Lower Decks and Discovery both started great but kind of fell off. I heard Picard was good.

And what a sweet deal it is for the fall guy.

“Hey we need to roll out an unpopular policy change. If you agree to take the PR hit we’ll give you $30 million”

Best gig in a lifetime.

Is it absolutely a good ol boys club. Like, oh my God it’s unbelievable. To be fair, most people aren’t like that but they have a shit ton of young, talented, neurotic, male engineers who just graduated college and have been told they are super geniuses. These are not the creme de la creme when it comes to emotional intelligence.

If I understand correctly the article is a lie. The author “misunderstood” what they were reading.

I don’t know if Google threatening the DDG employee would change the situation. Wired published it. If their writer came back and said “I was threatened by a megacorp for my excellent work. Please take it down and tell everyone I was wrong” wired, at very least, would not issue that statement.

“oopsie I accidentally wrote the hit piece of the year about my competitor and it turned out to be a lie! Tee hee silly me what even is journalistic integrity?”

This article was a smoking gun. Google is scummy but this was shocking. And it was a fucking lie? I actually hope Google goes after wired. That’s not justice against Google that’s malpractice.

I just came off a bipolar induced manic phase. I hyper focused on eve and played it literally 8-12 hours a day for a few weeks.

The game is fun. It’s a slow burn and a lot of the allure comes from the setting itself. I don’t have nearly enough time to play anymore. Getting your ship into the pvp zone, finding a group, and finding a fight can easily take an hour.

They “need” different UIs? Really you’ve never used an app or device that can do 2 things?

Come on, that’s obviously a silly opinion. You’re just grasping at straws and I don’t really understand why.

My phone makes phone calls and browses the Internet. There are things that can do multiple things.

The use case is not different. There is already music on YouTube. I rarely watch YouTube but I listen to it a lot. You’re not actually upset about the new app, you’re excited to shit on a company with harmful practices and you’re grasping at any argument you can find.

She probably does a lot and then musk inserts himself into random situations and fucks it up. She says “okay eng team build Foo” and then next week Elon goes on a rant and cancels Foo without consulting her.