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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2024


While this seems like a trivial issue (Just buy a third SSD for Windows and dual boot)

That’s not trivial at all. Don’t let anyone let you think otherwise.

according to you white savior liberals

Where the hell did you get I’m white? Or that I don’t have Chinese family?

are too stupid and brainwashed to know better.

Or just limited in the news from outside the country.

isn’t a paid Chinese shill.

Ok, so an unpaid wumao.

being xenophobic weirdos

Found the wumao.

The CCP and Chinese people are different things. No one is criticizing Chinese people.

Bad argument.

It would hold water if their solution was proprietary and closed source. But it isn’t, and anyone else, literally anyone, can take Proton and use it in their project for profit.

Even if they closed shop tomorrow, or even just gave up work on Proton itself, we’d all still reap the benefits at no cost to us.

Epic has exclusivity on release

Wait, really? It’s officially off my list now. Screw those guys.

Find me another company that supports open source and Linux the way Valve does… I’ll wait

No digital game store is worth your loyalty.

When that store is run by a company that contributes massively to open source and works harder and puts more money into enabling alternate platforms for gaming than all other companies combined; ya, they have my loyalty.

I would love to see reasonable competition to steam which would give consumers and developers better options

No one’s going to compete with and outdo Steam with Linux support.