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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 12, 2023


I loved Control.

I absolutely could not get into AW, and it bums me out because it seemed intriguing.

Linux is the key there.

All your complaints revolve around Windows.

That being said, if you don’t want to fuck with computers any more than necessary, that route won’t be particularly pleasing until Valve can release their OS and Launcher updates, assuming they keep things user friendly.

Linux gaming is leagues better than it was 20 years ago. Still hard to beat a fresh Windows install (key: fresh) and most certainly a console when it comes to ease of use.

I’m on W11 with my daily driver.

I don’t like it. I didn’t like it from the start.

So why?

Because W10 will hit EOL sooner than later; and I have to support that shit professionally.

Doesn’t matter that no one is testing or building applications for W11, no security patches mean any employer worth their salt will switch over to W11, despite not having the infrastructure to do it.

Admin VS IT. I’m nearly 40, and that story is older than I am.

I’d also add a lifetime subscription to Nexus, that alone can add so much life to so many games. Hell, if I’m checking out a game, I see what kind of mod support it has first.

Or do they not offer that anymore?

I think I got it way back when for $50 or so.

I’ll admit, I haven’t watched it. Nor do I intend to. And I tried to allude to CDPR doing… something to explain it.

I’ve seen too many decent games ruined by hype trains, so I do my best to avoid them and form my own judgements.

I tend to be a lore nerd before a min-maxer in games, though that wasn’t always the case.

The “best” build isn’t always the most enjoyable. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE theory crafting ridiculous shit - but if you trounce all your enemies, conquer every social interaction, and breeze through the game… where is the adventure?

Hell, the BEST DND player I’ve played with lasted three sessions. Second Edition. Gnome Fighter with 3 INT. He was, sadly, too dumb to live. But man, I enjoyed every session with that character. Barrel of laughs, and his “idiocy” could be really ingenious. Dangerous to everyone around him, friend or foe, but he got results.

Sadly, he re-rolled with a more optimized character. It survived, but it was not nearly as much fun.

The Trial of Grasses is kind of a defining moment in a witcher’s life.

Thats really my only beef at the moment with the choice, but I’ve been awake for over 48 hours so I’m not thinking too clearly at the moment.

I picked up Veilguard because I enjoyed Origins and Inquisition. The second game… at this point, I don’t think I took it right and its my problem and I need to give it another chance.

I’m still very early into the game, but the only “woke” thing I’ve seen so far is variable gender identity during character creation.

You want to play a “woman” who looks masculine, with atypical male traits, even a penis, and a deep voice? You know what, I’m glad the option is open to people. It doesn’t vibe with me personally, but I’m glad that people I care about can make a character that is “them,” because who hasn’t made themselves in an RPG at some point in their life, best they were able.

Again, I’m early to it, but that is all of the “woke” shit I’ve seen.

For the record, I have friends and family in the LGTBQ+(whatever, doesn’t matter) that I support.

I don’t want hate in my heart, and I’ve worked very hard to overcome some biases that came from my more “southern” upbringing. Hell, one of those biased views from the past is now openly trans, and I was the only family member they talked to because they couldn’t talk to anyone else.

I’m imperfect, as all humans are, but it isn’t hard to fucking TRY, just a little, to realize that someone else’s self image and happiness doesn’t affect mine other than what pronouns I use to refer to them. Fuck, its not hard. Just don’t be a dick.

Yeah, TNO is absolutely an individual character you happen to be in the shoes of.

Without spoiling anything, the game IS TNO’s story.

If that doesn’t interest you, best of luck in your refund request.

That being said, I’ve only gotten around to getting one tattoo in my life - The rune of torment.

I use proton pass currently.

My life is changing in less than two weeks.

I have an enterprise grade server that I can’t run for a variety of home reasons.

When me and the wife… for lack of a better term, escape, our situation, I’ll be able to self host. I know its gonna be a struggle, I have things to learn, and that is why I’m so excited.

My expectations of Bethesda, since Oblivion, has been as a mod platform.

Gimme a new engine with updated graphics and great mod support and let the community does what it does best.

Not to mention, it is entirely possible to get home from work, play, and then realize you are now late for work.

Its just engaging on a level that most modern game’s can’t hope to achieve.

Hell, I’ve installed a game (old), then installed mods, then resolved all the mod issues, then launch it to realize I don’t actually want to play it.

Factorio? Mods are easy, and vanilla is enough to keep someone occupied and happy if they lack internet or something.

Its light weight too, it costs me virtually nothing to install it on anything that can run it.

Honestly, I pay for top of line parts. I realize I’m limitiing myself on good games, but…

I paid for this shit, I try to keep top of the line because it is still my hobby (though, my time doesn’t allow anymore) and I want to push my hardware.

Low bit games, however good, don’t get a chance because… god damn, I expect better. I’m a 80s baby, and 90s kid. Nickelodeon early nick toons are my jam.

I paid for it, let me experience it.

I want to PUSH my hardware, and fine tune for play-ability, as expenses allow.

That being said, I love MMOs and realize how hard they can be to “upgrade” for all users… but damn, I don’t have the time or energy anymore. I wish I could raid EQ bosses like I was 13 on summer break, but I fucking can’t.

At the end of the day, I hope creative minds create new paradigms in gaming with limited resources. At this point, it is the only way we will grow. AAA studios make rehashes of former successes, which fail, and no one wants them. Gameplay has died, its been several years, and as an “old-head” (Quest for Glory 1 was my first PC game, with parser prompts) and I miss games. Even those are simple by today’s standard - but they still stand up in a shorter format.

I will cheat in single player games. I give it a solid “first time” unmodded play through. If it’s good, I’ll do other “paths” or “builds” depending on the game.

Then make it a little more… interesting, or different even.

Then you work up to Total Conversions, and thats fucking great for longevity.

Then at a certain point, its quality of life. I don’t want to spend 20 hours getting to the “interesting” part of the game. I can no longer get even just an hour to dive into a game uninterrupted. I love immersion; in the past it was an unhealthy escape mechanism, now when I get it, its a breath of not dealing with my day to day shit for just a little bit. Life always gets in the way of living, at least the way we want or need to in the moment. But I digress…

But cheating in a multiplayer game really defeats the purpose of multiplayer. An unbalanced play field isn’t fun for anyone.

I’d like to see more games embrace a modding community. If you and a few friends want to play with mods A, B, D, and F, more power to you guys. Keep enjoying that game.

Just don’t force an imbalance on other people.

The article presumes it’s an issue with nudity or sex.

I don’t see anything from the developer stating that.

My first thought is the first witcher game was clunky as fuck.

They put out a third person action slasher with PG elements.

They built it on the Neverwinter removedhts engine.

It wasn’t made to work like that, at all. So yeah, it’s clunky and outdated.

You’re not necesarrily wrong, but modders currently have a more difficult time than with Skyrim.

As far as I’m aware, modding tools from Bethesda haven’t been released yet, kinda limiting what people can do.

Not that it can’t be done, its just more difficult and time consuming than using producer built tools. People were modding games before any one put out tools for that purpose. Notepad and a hex editor can get you a long way if you know what you’re doing, at least back then.

I guess I should say this is from the perspective of a PC gamer, primarily. I’ve used consoles in the past, sure, but my last console was an Xbox 360 and before that a PS2.

The growth as developers from the first Witcher game to Witcher 3, and this kind of PR is why SOOO many people were disappointed with Cyberpunk 2077.

Old fans probably, to an extent, did grow with them to. It felt like a betrayal honestly.

They’re announcing the clans available to the player character, as I understand it you can’t pick from any of them.

Why are they dripping out the information?

Marketing. Keep fans on the hook.

Everquest, the original.

Two guilds come to mind.

I was younger, too young to work, so one summer break I joined up with a European guild to raid with. Lots of fun, learned a but about British (primarily) culture. Lots of fun, even when I joined another guild I raided with them from time to time.

The other was a family guild. It eventually fell apart as the adults got busier with their careers and kids and shit. But the inner circle, so to speak, were invited to a bulletin board and we all talked for years after that. Eventually lost contact with them as I grew up and got busy with life.

Lots of fond memories, and a couple not so fond (RNG hates me, in every way). But they were along when RNG screwed me time and again, and were always willing to try again. Lots of love for those folks.

Or Indy, watched the first 3 over the last few nights with the wife.

I’ve never seen 4 and 5, but I’m not hopeful.

I would believe an AI representation of Ford could be used to make 6, etc, after his passing.

Ethics and morals aren’t relevant to CEOs as long as the shareholders are happy.