Initial version will be free, and DRM free, distributed by us and completely open. This will be so we can get feedback from modders and establish some confidence. When the project becomes more structured we will look at future options.
Consider me excited!
Chess/Go? AlphaZero would fit that description. Also think they were tackling StarCraft as well?
Text is a bad medium for conveying emotion.
To me, :/ has always been a fairly neutral expression, like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
or 😐, I would have used :( to convey upset, but its certainly reasonable that others would read it differently.
I kinda hoped my other comments would have made it clearer, but again, text is a bad medium :( oh well
Yeah, I get that, but on the more aggressively short cut games, you could argue its not the same game anymore if all the story is now skipped. Still entertaining to watch, and I do occasionally, but it can get a bit silly.
I’m still looking forward to the first:
“Hi guys, today I’m going to show you how the locker skip works, you just run at this locker while tapping crouch, annddddd we are clipped through the ground, and can now run to the exit. Easy game”
Family Link. You can whitelist apps, get screen time stats, and if your kid needs an app, when they try install it it will ask your approval.
Bit of a pain getting the accounts setup, but otherwise works very well for preventing my grandma filling her tablet with junk.
Any idiot and chatgpt could knock up an overt always listening app in an afternoon. I have no doubt shady apps already can do this. Its not hard or expensive. (Backend storage and audio processing costs are a different kettle of fish, and I think those make this fairly prohibitive as well, but that’s a funding problem, not a technical problem.)
But as soon as they make the claim that it doesn’t trigger the microphone LED on iOS and Android, across all devices, then that’s a “technically hard” problem. That’s multiple zero days across multiple devices. Its just not feasable for an ad tech firm. They would never be able to recoup that investment.
I’m happy to be proven wrong, but so far all the researchers in the world have found nothing.
So I’m attributing near 0% chance that anyone outside of nation states have the later tech (device agnostic covert audio recording).
The capabilities TLAs have costs hundreds of millions of dollars to develop, and once caught, are worthless. TLAs are extremely careful with their toys to avoid them being caught.
This Adtech company is claiming to have something at that level, which they are deploying everywhere. If it existed, it would have been found the day after they announced it, the security researcher industry would be all over it. They are very intelligent people who do understand those devices inside and out, if it existed they would find it. Remember, these are the same researchers who frequently out actual TLA tools.
You can’t prove a negative, so it definitely is a probability thing, but I put the probability at basically 0 that they have what they claim.
The capability they were claiming to have would make a three letter agency very excited. If they truely had the ability to listen to your microphone, transparently without notifying the user, they could sell that tech to every regime that wants to snoop on people, for millions of dollars.
Instead they claim to be using it for Ad-tech, where if it existed, would make it trivial to discover and flag as malware.
Apple and Google would also be very keen to find and squash whatever loophole let’s them record without showing the notification.
Its just an extraordinary claim, which if true would have been exposed/validated by security researchers long ago.
Maybe try the state->custom setting thing? For some reason I cant find the autorotate setting on my phone :/
There are apps for screen rotation:
Perhaps that will do what you want?
I had a quick look, and cant find a way to detect the auto rotate state.
What is your end goal out of curiosity? Do you juat want to have a visual notification of autorotate so you can turn it off? Because an alternative would be to automatically turn it on and off.
I use this:
When in YouTube, Netflix, etc, it enables autorotate, and when you switch out it disables it again.
Yeah, i could be wrong about the level of awareness, i am a datapoint of one.
The performance part is interesting, but almost irrelevant imo. If the results had been that abusing your teammates improves their performance, it would still be wrong to do it.
I worry the people causing this problem are more likely to take the “abuse == tilt” information and use it to justify their behaviour :(.
Yeah, AI to knock out the egregious stuff (n-bombs etc) is prefectly reasonable. But there is still a lot of harassment that can happen the really needs a human to interpret. Its a balance.
The privacy i am thinking of is the legal side of things. Google/FB/Apple are huge companies with the resources to work through the different legal requirements for every state and country. Google/FB/Apple can afford to just settle if anything goes wrong. A game studio cannot always do the same. As soon as you store a recording of a users voice, even temporarily, it opens up a lot of legal risks. Developers/publishers should still do it imo, but i dont think its something that can just be turned on without careful consideration.
How is the “fraction of compute” being verified? Is the model available for independent analysis?