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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


What is the game? It’s not being a shill to answer questions.

Look at the entire history.

In 2018 their stock price was about 24, now it’s 2.

Speaking of Valve games, why did I ever stop playing Left 4 Dead? I need to play that again.

This is so stupid. Isn’t this a free-to-play game? With one-time-purchase games you can try to fool people, then take your money and leave while people complain about the game behind you.

But this is a free-to-play game, they intend to make money by gradual ongoing revenue from in-game purchases, etc. You can’t fool people who are actively playing the game.

The contract hurts their image, and prevents them from receiving critical feedback.

“Good game, but the company behind it is shit and required me to sign this contract. <Insert contract clause>. Remember this whenever your reading the totally honest reviews about how good the game is.”

Their art, their copyright.

They don’t expect to be paid, but they do expect that their copyright not be violated.

They might expect pay in exchange for granting a license to use their copyright art.

Can the lawyers on the receiving end of a DMCA takedown take the other party to court for a frivolous suit? I thought one of the problems was that there is no recourse for those on the receiving end of a bad DMCA takedown?

What I think would happen is the modders send a DMCA takedown, and EA either does take it down, or they file a “we’re not violating copyright, promise” form and then that’s the end of the DMCA. If they file the “we’re not violating copyright” form, then from there the modders can file a normal copyright violation suit if they choose.

Because you want to avoid Diablo because Diablo, maybe you could get Diablo used on console, you don’t need a Blizzard account or an internet connection and since it’s used the money wouldn’t go to Blizzard. It might be an option, depending on why you want to avoid Diablo.

Hey! I came into this threat planning to answer Tribes 2, and I’m surprised I’m not alone.

I miss Tribes.

Tribes 2 (from 2001), Outer Wilds, and Shadow of the Colossus

I was reading about the Unity debacle and thought thank God Gabe that Steam has never pulled shit like this.

I think part of the problem is too many companies are controlled by venture capitalists, or private equity, or whatever you call it. The point is that a single entity owns multiple companies from the shadows.

Companies are supposed to compete and the best company win, that’s good in theory. But when a single shadow entity owns multiple companies they’ll do something like squeeze customers of one company, which drives customers to their competitor, which, surprise, is owned by the same shadow entity.

I wish we had a branch of government filled with randomly selected people.

Imagine if we filled each house seat by randomly selecting 5 people, having the 5 people debate, and then people could vote for which of the 5 they wanted. We would then have a government filled with normal but likable people.

Even more than the video, I want to see Twitch chat’s reaction.